Discussion: Trump Dodges Question After Calling Kim Jong Un 'Very Honorable'

Very honorable??
What the hell is going on here?
Something is up. But what?
(paranoid interlude) is there some invisible hand here? Is Mr Putin orchestrating a foreign policy ‘Win’ for his client? Sounds crazy but I’m grasping.


Backpedaling is an art form in this (mal)administration. They have so much practice at it it’s a wonder they ever face forward.


Is Putin pulling some strings here, maybe an attempt to bolster trump’s approval numbers?


He has the best words, he just doesn’t know how or when to use them. It’s kinda like the guy who has the best library but has never cracked a spine in his life.


It is tempting to label Trump as the “Artful Dodger,” but that would give him waaaaaaay too much credit.


Always fun to imagine what folks on the right would be saying had this come from Obama or Clinton.


He has the best words??? Trump??? Seems to me that he largely has the vocabulary of a 4th grader.


He meant that Un openly admitted to also having pee tapes, that it didn’t both him if Donald did too, and soon they could share and maybe even make one together!

For the love of God, can somebody over at 1600 Pennsylvania finally convince this preening baboon bladder that “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see” is not a clever answer?


I don’t think it’s any more complex than this guy just spews words out without even thinking. He has said things that incriminate himself, certainly that is not some brilliant strategy, nor is that coming from Putin. Once this guy goes off script, he says stupid shit.


In Spanky’s delusional little pea brain. Where, by the way, he is also a very, very smart and stable person, where he has one of the best memories in the world, and other little gems which have no connection to reality in any way, shape or form…

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So when Trump tears up Iran deal, that will so impress NK that they will give up the nuclear weapons for whatever bullshit “promise” Trump offers. Right?

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A reporter asked what Trump meant when he described the dictator as “honorable.”

Chiselin’ Trump: “What I meant was that we have a very special relationship, in fact I’ll get that little piece of dandruff off. We have to make him perfect — he is perfect.”

One of the most oppressive regimes in history…citizens living as slaves in a big brother environment…this is Trumps vision for America…he is a dangerous fool that cannot be allowed to see this through.


They would become instant America-lovin’ patriots.

But because it’s THEIR President…

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Donald get his stories from Fox news, Fox news pays him back by supporting his complaints against fake news. And interesting they have found some black folks to present this BS.

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Always fun to imagine what folks on the right would be saying had this come from Obama or Clinton.

Hannity’s melon would likely explode in a fit of outrage. Laura Ingram would claim the president is a godless monster that hates America. Gingrich would site this as proof that the president is in over his/her head and is completely unfit for the job. Fox and Friends would have Bolton on calling it an impeachable offense. Trump would Tweet about it to contradict his future self.


Not intended to be a factual statement.