Creating branches of the military is kind of a congressional thing…
Also… how ya payin’ for it ya colossal dipshit?
Isn’t the US a signatory to an international treaty forbidding the militarization of space?
The president was disappointed to learn that SG-1 had retired
If you want to distract people from thinking about kids in cages, you’ll have to try harder.
Creating a force structure and chain of command where there is no strategy and no force because leadership.
Where are they going to be deployed to? Is he going to build a space wall?
Bit late for April Fools isn’t it?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Trump announces he’s directing Pentagon to create ‘space force’ as independent service branch.
“Retired? No that’s great! Get me MacGyver on the phone! He’s gonna’ be Secretary of Space Force!”
~ Preznit Donald J. Dumph.
This will turn in to some sort of information giveaway to the Russians. How long before he calls for a joint effort with them 3,2,1…
To boldly go where no Dotard has gone before!
Not by a long shot.
With precious little company, we’ve voted against such proposals numerous times.
“Ma, Grampa is throwing his shit at the TV again!”
What need, exactly, does this address? And how will it be paid for? A couple of guys on Fox Business said it will be largely commercial enterprises paying for it, but why do they need the government to get involved if they use their own money? And what is the Space Force going to do? Cadet Bone Spurs may not know this, but military organizations exist to find the most efficient ways to kill people and break things while preventing other military forces from doing the same. Does he think there is a need for such a force in space?
Please, let him, no harm done, nothing happens…just like the North Korean thing…
That marionette with the gun is HAWT!
Zeta Reticuli:
“When earth sends its dominant life form, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing religion. They’re bringing Fox. They’re carbon-based. And some, I assume, are good supraorbital-ridged bipedal hominids.”