As we are painfully reminded of every day, Dotard…
This fat slob continues to talk about himself in the third person. Megalomania, anyone?
Doesn’t the Idiot in Chief have spell check?
This is the first manifestation of his Beautiful Health Care Plan.
It appears to me that Donnie thinks he’s going to be able to stiff his buddy Kim. Or, perhaps already has,so Kim hooks up with Vlad.
Trump is in a voluble mood this morning. He’ll be crowing about the economy and taking credit for it if he hasn’t already.
Narrator: Presidents actually have little impact on success of the economy.
Yeah, he f*cked Un, too, like every “vendor”.
The window of initiating Trump’s impeachment is a set number of days. We are now in that window…
No. He does have Spall Czech, but it only works in the Cyrillic alphabet.
"20 hostages, many in impossible circumstances, have been released in last two years. "
Is he referring to those departed/fired WH staff?
OT but trump says a ‘coup’ on his poor victimized admin is bigger than Watergate (snicker)…
It shows trump is paranoid.
Poor guy, everybody’s after him.
So that’s a yes, then?
Trump promising payment but never delivering it? Never has such a thing happened… oh wait.
Well, not since last Tuesday.
Hmmmmm…this sounds like beginning of the Kim version of the Stormy Daniels payoff saga:
Deny, deny, never happened, never happened, well maybe it happened, but, so what, no big deal, yeah of course it happened – oh! look over there!! Her emails!!!
Sounds like a great topic for an oversight subpoena to Treasury.
Trump denied the payment ever happened…the envoy that was sent to retrieve Warmbier was asked to promise to pay his $2 million hospital bill and Trump okayed the agreement.
I believe Trump this time. He didn’t say he didn’t okay the agreement, just that he didn’t pay up. He’ll stiff anyone, even lover boy Kim.
Maybe that’s why Kim went to Uncle Pootie…?