And the cowardly Repubs remain silent to this ongoing abuse of power.
Where to start?
Trump Denies…
Obama, Intel …
Trump, Intel …
Briefings …
The English language fails in the Trump era. ‘Cowardly’ is far too weak a word. ‘Craven’ is closer but it still doesn’t do it…
You will notice the report says Trump was urged by his closest allies. Assuming those allies aren’t merely the voices in his head one wonders who these morons might be. Bannon? Miller? The Mercers? Hannity? Erik Prince? Somebody we don’t know about?
All you have to do is pay attention and you realize Trump is easily manipulated. Just who is manipulating him here. I think America needs to know.
Ahhhh Intel Briefings…reminds me of Candidate Trump’s first Intel Briefing…where Michael Flynn got into a heated argument with the Agent delegated to give Candidate Trump his briefing…and how President Trump stated he did not need to receive daily intelligence briefings because “he was really smart already”…
The idea that in the end good judgement prevailed over Trump’s ego and hatred of President Obama makes this story suspect.
Never discussed or thought of!
Until now!
trump will be stripped of his clearance when the time comes.
…might be. Bannon? Miller? The Mercers? Hannity? Erik Prince?
He needs to be now.
Asshole-in-Chief sez … “Ok lookit at the shiny object over here!!”
Sorry donald, your sorry excuse of a presidency is winding down and you cannot stop it.
Mueller has you bore sighted and you can’t duck.
Trump could shoot someone in cold blood on the steps of the Capitol Building and not be charged: McConnell and his wife Elaine Chao and Paul Ryan and John Roberts are all strongly behind Trump’s white nationalism and the debasing of all domestic programs that work for those at the bottom. The Republicans want to kill social security and all public domestic programs…and Trump is their man and regardless that he is destroying what’s left of our Democracy. McConnell, Chao, Ryan, and Roberts do NOT care…do you?
That’s still how it is. Trump hates the PDB and can’t stand the thought somebody understands more than he does.
This sounds like a domestic adviser, probably a racist true believer. Putin doesn’t seem to be vindictive. He’s strategic. There is nothing in it for him.
John Barron comes to mind.
The spokesman John Barron who sounds remarkably like Donald Trump? That John Barron doesn’t think for himself. He needs leadership.
I think this guy would be the one doing the (ass) kicking…
(miss him yet?)
Beta cuck gonna cuck?