I was concerned reading the article, but when I saw that Ivanka was there, I breathed a sigh of relief. With her involved, we can’t miss.
I bet I know how to pay for it. I bet Warren knows how to pay for it, too.
One percent of all incomes above $250 million/year is a lot of money. Just sayin’.
This will, of course, die within three weeks, max, one week more likely, on the issue of funding. And then Democrats will once again check off the MSM double standard box that expects them to put aside party and act in the national interest but lays no such expectations on Republicans, even as “progressives” continue to fume and rave at them for being Quislings who sold out to Trump instead of shutting down the government and impeaching him.
Stock transaction fees too.
Who took on the role of note taker?
Start giving the Defense contractors the treatment Trump gives his construction contractors, and you could easily cut the defense spending in half, there you are, 8 years of that and you get your 2 trillion.
Well, if a couple of mil went out the door from the DoD’s budget for “wall” why not for infrastructure?
Committees in both chambers of Congress have started to lay the groundwork for an infrastructure bill through hearings, with Democratic lawmakers hoping to have legislation ready for consideration by June or July.
Considering that the presidential elections are next year, I’d say that a couple of Dem Senators will be elsewhere. This isn’t happening.
I don’t get the politics of this from Schumer/Pelosi.
Maybe take back just a smidgen of that 14% tax rate give-away to the corporations to pay for it?
Oh, wait, we are still waiting for the mysterious and magical trickle-down effect (bullsh*t) to manifest! My bad.
Oh, what about all those new revenues we’ll see from the fees charged to asylum seekers? Yeah?
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”
- Emma Lazarus
And here I thought the purpose of the #Resistance was resist Trump, not to hand him a major legislative victory right before the election, while going on the record to support a majorly regressive tax increase on gasoline. Silly me!
As for how to pay for it, when are the Democrats going to wise up and realize that the way to pay for it is the same way Republican’ts pay for massive tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires and tax-avoiding corporations?
There are very few people who make more than $250 million in a year, so the tax wouldn’t raise all that much. For 2017, according to data accumulated by the Social Security Administration, only 205 people had a W-2 listing more than $50 million.
I think an increase in the federal fuel tax makes sense for infrastructure improvements/repair related to anything that is transportation related, but I think other types of infrastructure improvements/repair should be paid for with taxes that don’t put the burden on drivers.
My proposed solution would be a return to the pre-Reagan income tax structure, with income amounts adjusted for inflation since 1981.
It’s clear that an actual infrastructure bill would be a political disaster. Trump would be handed a huge victory on a key election promise and Dems would own the deficits.
So then, this means that it ain’t gonna happen. Well played, no one was paying attention anyway.
Hopefully dead on arrival.
Given the absolute corruption of this administration and Mitch’s Handmaiden, I find the possibility of allowing them administrative control on something of this magnitude, to be a terrible idea.
This literally needs to wait until trump is out of office. Not to mention, this is the absolute worst time to “stimulate” the economy. Construction workers are already in short supply and therefore all existing projects’ pricing reflects that supply.
Allow for planning to occur for future projects. but we better have this in our back pocket for the the inevitable ugly downturn that trump and the republican sycophants’ policies have engendered. Have them shovel ready. Because we will be desperate for such a stimulus.
But only for computer program trading or for those averaging many more trades than I do on a weekly basis.
Can TPM start a pool for how long it takes for Trump to denounce this on Twitter? I’m thinking about four hours after Limbaugh and Coulter rant about it. Is that a wager I can take or do I need to be more specific?
I mean, Kellyanne already killed the deal before the meeting by declaring that Trump lowers taxes, so there’s nothing to discuss. The only infrastructure spending Republicans will allow is having the government subsidize toll roads, toll bridges, and utilities for businesses that contribute to Republicans because the only capitalism they understand is Crony Capitalism and pappa needs a new pair of shoes.
maybe Chuck and Nancy are hoping the republicans will go all circular firing squad with the free dumb caucus (whatever they’re called these days) versus the rest of them.