Discussion: Trump Demands 'Immediate Steps' To Keep Coal Plants Open

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Retrofit the Navy to all coal-burning ships while you’re at it, you stupid motherfucker. Unbelievable.


Yeah, but if those coal dependent communities have to suffer the way Flint and Detroit and others did from the loss of industries, then Republicans wouldn’t be able to point and spit their nonsense about “look what Democrats do to cities”…you know, which is also one of their favorite uses of the word “Democrats” to say “n—rs.”

What, you thought they couldn’t pull off a sortof double entendre? Think of it this way: if you have tiny methbilly brains containing tiny methbilly lexicons, you have to make use of the few words you’ve got by giving them all sorts of double and triple meanings. I’d almost let them have that as their excuse for all their dogwhistling. ALMOST.

Plus, if these coal towns fail because the industry is allowed to die, then these reliable red voters in reliable red areas would have to move into blue areas to find work…and GASP live and work and VOTE among the rest of the country, including “them”. How does the largely white Christian nationalist population of Black Lung, KY react when the congressional district next door has to be melded with it for loss of population?


Lumping nuclear and coal together is ridiculous. One produces no greenhouse gases, the other is the dirtiest type of electricity production. The only thing they have in common is that they’re baseload power supplies. New wind and solar should indeed be replacing coal, but not replacing nuclear. If nuclear were to be rightly categorized as a clean energy source, like wind and solar, and given a fraction of the latter’s subsidies, it would be fine economically. But of course tRump is clueless about all this, as about everything else.


Start running steam powered trains again. They produced the steam with coal.


And in other news …

Wait! Who put that bicycle in there? That’s too librul.


I was at a Sierra Club picnic years ago and the folks there listened with relatively open minds as a local expert on energy told them it wasn’t realistic to immediately do away with nuclear as you transitioned to all-renewable energy sources. It was going to be a vital near-term part of the mix, he said. But more and more, Trumpian conservatism is a combination of corrupt power grabs and trolling the libs for the benefit of its mouthbreather base. So there you have two ways of thinking about nuclear. Trump doesn’t know a god-damn thing about energy. He’s paying off people he needs to stay out of jail, like any mobster.

Or you could have hybrid trains, capable of running on coal or wood. Woodburning transpo, libs triggered again ha ha, best of both worlds.



That’s an extra added bonus that never occurred to me. hahahahahaha

Isn’t he just making word noises for his stupid base with this?


Picking winners and losers now, are we? And how many billion are they willing to spend in order to maintain a misguided campaign promise? My how the screw turns.


Everything is a matter of national security, including tariffs. He really thinks that we are fools. What’s happening to checks and balances?


Yep…greatest businessman ever…after seeing him in action these last couple of years the nation will be broke ,in a trade war and shooting war very soon now…


remember that it was coal workers that gave trump wins in the SE. Thats why hes using his presidential power to choose who he helps and doesn’t. Funny how obama made moves to help the workers move on with training and trump makes moves to enslave them…


I don’t know if we had a choice before, but we don’t now. What else is ready to go with the same capacity?


Big government regulations, interfering with free markets. The President picking winners and losers.



“The Energy Department action, if ordered, would represent an unprecedented intervention into U.S. energy markets.”

Trump: “Groping good!”
Party of Family Values: “Yes, sir!”

Trump: “Kremlin good!”
Party of Freedom: “Yes, sir!”

Trump: “Deficits good!”
Party of Balanced Budgets: “Yes, sir!”

Trump: “Tariffs good!”
Party of Free Trade: “Yes, sir!”

Trump: “Market intervention good!”
Party of Free Markets: “Yes, sir!”

To call Republicans cheap, soulless whores would be an insult to cheap, soulless whores.


Agree. Nuclear has its own issues (generally associated with horrible management and secrecy), but it’s a hell of a lot cleaner than coal. Putting them together is just a gift to that self-righteous mf from the API.


The directive comes as the Trump administration considers a plan to order grid operators to buy electricity from coal and nuclear plants to keep them open. The plan would direct regional transmission operators to buy power from coal and nuclear plants for two years to ensure grid reliability, “promote the national defense and maximize domestic energy supplies.”

The Energy Department action, if ordered, would represent an unprecedented intervention into U.S. energy markets.
The draft plan calls for the Energy Department to exercise emergency authority under a pair of federal laws typically reserved for wars or natural disasters. The plan calls for Perry to use the Federal Power Act and the Defense Production Act to temporarily delay retirements of coal and nuclear plants.

Planned economy, how very Soviet. He’s taking instruction well.


It boggles my mind that the Repugs are afraid of this fool. If they think they are going to win any elections with his voting base and that’s why they don’t want to upset him all I can say is: BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahaha

They’re groveling for nothing.


I’m going to cop to not having read much in this area. I do know that our biggest threat in the decades to come is from climate change, and that’s not among nuclear’s drawbacks. And I think nineteen times out of twenty a solution to a problem is going to require some sort of sacrifice or compromise.


Most things worth having require some kind of sacrifice somewhere - if nothing else you have to sacrifice perfection for reality.