On my Amazon account, I chose to donate the % to Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas. I don’t live in TX, but I figured that those poor women in TX could use some help. My own state is pro-, not anti-women. Amazon posts how much of my orders have gone there, and how much in total: $44 from me, $13,000 from everybody. Every bit helps.
All of this predictable.
And all of it predicted, long ago:
Thank you, Twilight Zone.
I’m conflicted about The Palmer Report in general. It tells me everything I want to hear/be true, but without citation or attribution and that raises red flags for me. Sigh.
Yep. Just heard a bit on an NPR call-in show with David French (ugh) and some other journalist pushing back. Something that struck me was the insistence that the head of Homeland Security could issue waivers for, e.g., military translators. The counterpoint was, of course, why should anyone think this guy sitting at a desk in Washington would have a better idea than the consular officials in his home country? Doesn’t he have other responsibilities?
But the point I didn’t hear made explicitly was yours - that taking the decision out of the realm of process and law, and into the hands of individuals using whatever criteria they deem appropriate, is a recipe for corruption and bias. It’s antidemocratic and frankly un-American.
(I’m not arguing against the ability of highly-placed individuals to take responsibility for cutting through red tape in the name of justice - pardons by governors and presidents come to mind - but that is not the same and ceding policy to personal whim, which is what the Trump “out” says it will do.)
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the “bad” would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad “dudes” out there!
Pssst - Komrade trump! Too little, too late. Bad dudes already here. Let me give you their address so you can have the lick-spittles in CBP and ICE render them somewhere:
1600 Penn. Ave
Washington, DC
It’s a big white house. Can’t miss it. Just follow the stench of swamp (they’ve recently drained one right into that house’s main office space) and you’ll find it easily.
This is at the heart of what causes my sense of despair. Madness is in power and there is neither check nor balance. After only a week, our citizens are stunned, the press is weakly flailing, our institutions are threatened and our allies are repulsed by us.
The center cannot hold.
“Obedience to specific court orders is what keeps us from being a banana republic or fascist dictatorship. That’s a really big deal.”
Don’t mess with KochBoys’ , '45 (just realized screwed up my birth year…I hate that. That’s part of my identification!)
And were they arrested for this, the rebels at FU?
We’re fighting back. Yesterday I attended a town hall meeting with one of my Senators, Sheldon Whitehouse, and hundreds, perhaps a thousand people showed up, and MAD, too. He said he’d never seen such a turnout in his political life, and even with the hall filled, two thirds remained outside, shouting, until Whitehouse was forced to take the entire meeting outside. And he got an earful. Full resistance is what we want. No deals. Resistance.
Rules for surviving an autocracy - worth another look
Rule #1: Believe the autocrat. He means what he says.
Rule #2: Do not be taken in by small signs of normality.
Rule #3: Institutions will not save you.
Rule #4: Be outraged.
Rule #5: Don’t make compromises.
Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs according to Financial Times, London January 30, 2017 3:41 pm
“This is not a policy we support,” he said in a message left in staff voicemail inboxes. “There is potential for disruption to the firm, and especially to some of our people and their families.”
That’s because W had a crush on Bandar Bush.
… and that, is the reason why the 25th amendment will never be invoked for Presidential disability. The criminally insane VP and cabinet are in cohoots with the madman.
There are a lot of bad dudes out there. Two of the worst are Steve Breitbart Bannon, a slovenly,unkempt Leninist, who is a professional hater, and his puppet, Donald Schicklgruber Trump, who suffers from egomaniacal dysfunction.Both men are out to disrupt America, to maintain chaos, while they dismantle the social safety net.
Thanks! That’s why I come here, for a shot in the arm.
Congratulations! You’ve just hypotheticaled yourself into sheer panic.
yes Donnie boy get pisssed off at the media for reporting on the shit you started…that only works for you and the rest of the inbred contingent that voted for you …and some of them are starting to wise’in up about your crap…finally
LOL… probably not…but, Donald Jr or Eric or Kellyanne or AJ Delgado or someone like that will in the near future whine about how the dishonest Media AND all those pinko commie college professors and the pinko commie college radio stations that receive NPR funds and are not praising him daily are so mean.
Actually, FU is a Jesuit institution and as those of us who had the privilege of a high school Jesuit education appreciate, they tend to encourage questioning. They also taught me to appreciate fine literature, cinema, and music, among other things.