Discussion: Trump Defends Immigration Executive Order, Lashes Out At Media

MIke Pence was observed measuring for new, non-gold, drapes in the Oval Office.


Among his fans? Forever. Among everyone else? Never did.

Josh’s editorial comment, the one under “Just Hate” left me feeling sick and helpless in a way I haven’t for weeks. We’re not getting even the terribleness of a Pence premiership while Trump intermeddles and tweets from New York that was among my fears.

Instead, we’re getting a Bannon premiership and they are the worst of the worst. The sense of atrocity waiting, coiled like a poisonous snake waiting for its moment to strike when conditions are right, is palpable and growing. These are the kinds of people who engineer Reichstag Fires or staged “incursions.” The fact that they’ve made enemies of the entire National Security Establishment is of some comfort, because it limits their ability to manufacture excuses, but the world is fully capable of supplying them. And the fact that we’ve still got a functioning judiciary that the bureaucracy is, if anything, eager to follow when they put on the brakes is helpful. But there’s going to be a great exodus of decent people from the bureaucracy if this goes on much longer and I full expect these people to propose laws to the rubber stamp Congress to gut out both the civil service act and the Administrative Procedures Act the second they realize they are barriers to their nihilistic authoritarianism.

I always knew that if he ever got elected, Trump would rapidly descend into debilitating madness. Today I’m realizing that he has people around him who will prop him up, hide insanity, keep him isolated, hell, lock him up in the basement if that’s what it takes, to cling to their grip on power. It’ll take a SWAT Team to get them out of there after Trump is impeached or removed under the 25th. And the longer they’re in, the greater the chance they’ll do something truly terrible. Torture, removing the ban on napalm, saturation bombing of civilian targets, nuclear weapons on Bad People in foreign countries. Press restrictions, internments, ignoring federal court orders. These are all things well within the range of what they are capable of.

Once again, the money and the establishment right have enabled and acquiesced to the leadership of a megalomaniac madman surrounded by criminally insane henchmen, sublimely confident they could keep him under control and use him as a tool to reorder society according to their ideas. And, once again, they’ve discovered within weeks that they erred. And, once again, rather than admit they were wrong and move into opposition, they are submitting.


Once again, the Asshole-elect shows he is a moron. Sad.


It starts now. It seems the wh.gov page has wiped the judiciary off the website.

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“Priebus calling @MeetThePress interview “disaster.”

Yep, it was right up there with all of Spiceboy’s and KAC’s pressers to date…


The new whitehouse.gov site has a jobs link. I think I’m going to apply as a copy editor. I’m wildly unqualified, so I should be a shoe in.


Sounds plausible at least. A week in and he’s already losing it. Plus if the establishment doesn’t do something soon they’re just going to increase the risk of him causing irreparable damage to the party. This is not going to end well for them


Hopefully, this goes better than the betting on the election…

As Donald Trump Becomes President, Bookies Bet Big on Impeachment
“Completely one-way traffic in betting.”


The TwitterTwat in Chief at work:


And this is why we need to keep up the ruckus and ridicule. Establishment Republicans must be made to realize they will pay a price, a price larger then what their base could inflict on them. This is not Weimar Germany; our institutions have taken a beating over the past decades, but the overwhelming majority still believe in them. The reckoning will come.

I honestly believe that a Reichstag fire would backfire on them. Business is making too much money right now to cheer on blowing it all up.


WFUV, the Fordham University NPR affiliated radio station is playing songs about immigrants and refugees this fine AM.

They just played, back to back to back, Graham Nash’s Immigration Man, Richard Shindell’s Fishing, and Steve Earle’s City of Immigrants.


“To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely
reporting. This is not about religion - this is about terror and keeping
our country safe. There are over 40 different countries worldwide that
are majority Muslim that are not affected by this order,” the President

If that is true then why, Donnie, did you not ban entry to Saudi Nationals? After all. 19 of the 23 were Saudis.
No, this was about religion. This was about your deeply felt bigotry. The media isn’t the culprit, Donnie, your own words are. I read your EO. The 1st thing you reference is 9/11. That is the event you chose to highlight.
You are a bigot, trump. Straight up bigot. And incompetent to boot.


I got your civil liberties right here, Murika!


This is about Muslims but not in the obvious way. This is corruption masked as bigotry. The real target here is not some poor bastards kept at the airport. The real target here are wealthy Muslims. This is a terrifyingly Machiavellian plan. It’s a hybrid scam meant to extort money from Muslim nations that are terrified of being on the list and at the same time give his supporters red meat. lets see how many ‘deals’ with Muslim countries come through for Trump enterprises after this.

Nice country you got there, shame if something (like a travel ban) happened to it.


This is a long story, but worth your time.


Oh I gotta steal that image for my trump file.


Steal away—how do you think I got it?



I would not be surprised if it’s true. Remember that he is a political neophyte.


Funny how we didn’t have a mad inrush when Obama had things wide open. Trump lives in a very bad world, luckily for the rest of us it’s all in his mind. Sadly for the rest of us he’s “in charge” right now.