What an ignoramus. .
Because they cheered for him? I guess if they cheered for Torquemada, Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson a pardon would have been granted. Nothing like basing justice by an applause meter.
You could imagine him in a Roman coliseum. “Wow lots of cheering, time for another lion feeding”
Let me be sure I get this right…
Arapio known to have broken law, lost election because it came out right before election, found guilty after election, deserves pardon.
Clinton, exonerated for not breaking law, was inexplicably re-investigated right before election, (oh and cleared again ultimately)…BUT THIS DIDN’T CAUSE HER TO LOSE HER FUCKING ELECTION???
Great logic by the idiot
Would seem that Trump thinks one governs ala The Gong Show!! What a complete doofus!!
We want Barabbas!
Ignorance plus arrogance…plus Arpaio gave Trump the birtherism idea which he used to persuade republicans that he was the “AntiObama” they needed after 8 years of sanity and logic and eloquence in the White House. God help America.
And he seems to think that his “rallys” (aka pump up president-pouty’s frail ego events) are representative of most Americans, thus their fanatical cheering = public support. Hey Don - your delusional mind is showing, again.
Telling that he came prepared with a list (that included a mistake, naturally; Manning wasn’t pardoned) to read off in response to this question.
This is how the staff spends its time, in the middle of a climate crisis and yet another NK missile launch. Giving Trump notes to cover his indefensible decisions.
Fuck you, clown. Joe the Asshat is a very, very big asshole, and so are you.
Y’all think Donald Trump grasps the idea that people who don’t like him probably won’t go to his rallies?
I am starting to really, honestly wonder.
I honestly wonder as well, but if I had to guess I’d say it’s doubtful he grasps that there are people don’t like him period. I struggle to think myself into that head, but I imagine for him the idea that anyone doesn’t find him dazzlingly perfect is a close to unbearable psychic pain, like mortal fear or the loss of a loved one is for normal people.
On the one hand I agree… on the other hand, desire to be liked clearly drives his entire world. He doesn’t look like a happy guy to me, so I dunno.
Number 1, does he have any other type of decisions?
Number 2, that should keep the staff busy for the next 3.5 years.
His addiction is adoration.
I mean, he gets that there are people who don’t like him. But he spends what therapists call an “inappropriate” amount of his waking hours and probably most of his sleeping ones imagining reasons those people are wrong and bad. And he can’t stop doing it, or acknowledge that he might fall short of perfection. We all do it a little. But God only knows what level he’s at—easily one in a million and probably much, much more. If he hadn’t been born rich, could he have lasted 71 years outside an institution?
At his rallies they cheered and went crazy for Hitler too. Trump has demonstrated that he has no concept of governing in a democracy or for the rule of law. What an ass.
They went fucking wild chanting that John McCain should die too.
Did they? That is absolutely horrible. I hate him and those who support him.