Discussion: Trump Defenders Downplay New Cohen Plea: It’s Just Perjury!

Yeah, I guess Trump promised Lindsey Paul Manafort’s confiscated apartment as soon as Mueller releases it .

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We are coming for Lindsey… oh yes we are :slight_smile:


Miss Lindsey reminds the world that Trump is just the buffoon that stumbled into power by accident. There is a much larger conspiracy of the real criminals like himself that stand to be exposed if they actually start following the money. We have to keep our eye on the ball. This isn’t about Trump. They would love it if all we did was rid them of the foolish figurehead. We have to root out all the rot that infests the GOP. We have to lock up every one of them that has betrayed our nation. Trump just gave away the game. They are the game.


Trump’s lawyer / fixer has plead guilty to negotiating financial deals with Russian mobsters while Trump was campaigning for President telling us he has no dealings with the Russians - that is a conspiracy to obscure collusion with a foreign adversary actively working to successfully influence the outcome of our election and get Trump into the Whitehouse.


Unless your under suspicion for murdering your Wife. That’s his specialty.

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For Mr Graham, denial is a life-choice…


But it isn’t “collusion.” It’s conspiracy against the United States.




He’s also a whore to the Russians, plain and simple.


Yep, the GOP writ large has been on the Ruskie dole for some time now. (read Butina, NRA, Sessions, Roerbacher) Here’s hoping this SC probe will bring that to light.

My two cents


You could have stopped right there, point well made. What about racist elf lying to the Senate Confirmation Comittee twice!

Corsi’s defense on the Beat (begging for a pardon in prime time, no less) was outright laughable, the sh*tshow has entered its opening act.

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Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution?

Nah, the Republican strategy is to undermine, subvert, and attack the Rule of Law. Republicans are weakening the United States of America.


It might be easier if Graham or ANY of the Trump apologists said what crimes would put them in a position to stop defending this obvious criminal…what would spur them to concede that the man belongs in prison.?


Graham is protecting himselfas well as other Senators that took Russian money. This is why McConnell will not move forward a bill to protect Mueller. Too many republicans took handouts from Russia and that info will be made public.

Lindsey Graham Received Campaign Donations From Firm Tied To Russian Oligarch

The Dallas Morning News reported last year that Graham was one of several Republican politicians to receive contributions from “a Ukrainian-born oligarch who is the business partner of two of Russian president Vladimir Putin’s favorite oligarchs and a Russian government bank.”

During the last election, Ukrainian-born billionaire Leonard “Len” Blavatnik $6.35 million to Republican candidates and and incumbent senators, using two holding companies, Access Industries and AI Altep Holdings.

Graham received $800,000 of that money.

Len Blavatnik, considered to be one of the richest men in Great Britain, holds dual citizenship in the U.S. and the U.K. He is known for his business savvy and generous philanthropy, but not without controversy.


There’s no reason to tar that lovely box turtle with the brush of Republicanism.


Yup. WoW what a surprise Lindsey is a hypocrit!. What I want to know is what is in all the RNC hacked emails that have yet to be uncovered!?!

Sure, what’s a little lying by Republicans. Just par for the course.

Blanche Dubious

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:notes:Money, money, money, money, money​:musical_note: