Trump may declare vindication but he continues to accuse others of the things he himself is guilty of. Apparently he feels he himself is the only one who can tell lies.
So much winning. Please, Mr. President … stop the winning … we’re tired … of the winning.
Mmm. Not going to play very well with the FBI.
Keep digging that hole Drumpf!
It’ll be simple to push the dirt on top of you once you get deep enough.
“I am not a crook!”
“You’re the crook!”
You want proof, here is the proof the Mango POTUS is mentally ill.
The Prez begins tweeting with … “Nonny Nonny Booby” … Lordy Lordy … you low information folks have your wish. The lyin’ child who will destroy “gubmint fur ya”
Then what ???
the President remained uncharacteristically quiet throughout the day on Thursday as Comey delivered his testimony and cable news
Friday’s Rage is coming folks. Be prepared for Total and Complete Vindication! Kneel! You will kneel!
Trump’s really just talking to himself… no one but Trump, not even the people closest to him believe this is vindication, but their lives are so much easier when Trump’s happy, they indulge him.
I’m not snarking,
Trump’s the only living soul who believes this is vindication, and everyone lets him think it for their own benefit, instead of standing up to him for the country,
They are all indulging a spoiled little 5-year old in the White House, even as our blood-won status as the leader of the free world evaporates.
how long do you suppose it’ll be before we hear that he’s pushing to have Comey arrested for leaking his memo?
In his own very tiny narcissist mind, perhaps. WHEN DID HE STOP LYING?
Ohhhhh, 6:10 a.m.! If he’d made it to 6:13, that would’ve been the longest he’s gone w/out a tweet since become POTUS. But he just couldn’t push that boundary. So close, but failed. Sad.
…a tweet addiction? Seriously, you are on to something.
“incompetent” rather than ill…
Hey Comey, proud of your October surprise now?
Right. And then there are the rubes out there who’ve never encountered this degree of bluff and bluster, so they conclude that he must be an innocent and terribly wronged man. It will take a while.
He is vindicated in his own dysfunctional mind, most of the rest of us us heard the testimony, understand that more sensitive matters were taken up later behind closed doors and will cripple this already rotten administration.This man has serious mental issues and is unfit for his office.