Discussion: Trump DC Hotel Received $270,000 From Effort Linked To Saudi Arabia

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Lol…this will turn out to be chump change when the real depths of his graft and kickbacks are exposed…he will never voluntarily provide his tax returns but if we ever get to see them, the depths of malfeasance will be obvious.


Transfer the money to the federal government “at the end of the year” - really? What’s the wait for? Can’t that yuuuuuge and monetarily successful organization do that right now?

On the other hand, maybe they’re just signaling that they will pay that money eventually, when they have to - as part of their tax bill.


The check is in the mail.


The organization promised to “donate” the “profits” to the Treasury, so assuming the Treasury is set up to receive gifts (where does one send the check???), presumably they will first do the creative accounting required to identify the profits, of which there may not be any at all after expenses.


I used to have a .jpg of the card Comrade Cockholster’s DC hotel gives guests so they can voluntarily note if they were representing foreign governments during their stay.

Do you suppose the Saudi’s checked the box that indicated they were “staying in the hotel operated by POTUS to gain additional favor in their lobbying efforts of POTUS and his family on behalf of ‘Wahhabi Central’”? If not, perhaps they’ll do it retroactively, like the SF 86 Form for Security Clearance For Government Employment that Sessions et al did.

On the other hand, they needn’t fill it out at all as it’s all voluntary. Besides, the POTUS has already assured us that he has no conflicts of interest; if you can’t trust POTUS and the Saudis, who can you trust?

In other news, if anyone is interested in keeping score The Atlantic ran a comprehensive article on POTUS’s conflicts of interest yesterday. (Spoiler alert: It’s very, very, very long.)


President Wimpy: I’ll gladly pay at the end of the year for the bribe I want right now.


“Hollywood accounting”
Actors are told they’ll get a percentage of profits above cost of production. The movie costs $50 million to make originally. It grosses $700 million worldwide at theaters, that much again on pay-per-view/DVD/cable/merchandising. Actor’s agent inquires about his client’s cut of the profits.

“Sorry, we lost our ass on that production, here, take a look at the books.”

Trump’s accountants will certainly have the same con down pat.


So, basically: he was paid off.

The Chinese figured it out earlier, seeing that this unfit, unqualified, incompetent scumbag could just be taken in with some kind of financial deal to benefit himself, wrote the check and then told everyone else about it.

For the Saudis, this is all chump change. Emphasis on “chump.”

With all due respect to Ms. Shirley Chisolm’s unforgettable and unsurpassed campaign slogan, this sorry ass is “Bought & Bossed.”


Isn’t this the typical Trump scam? The money, whether to the US Treasury or to a charity, will always be paid at some future date, not when it comes in. He’s just counting on forgetfulness to let him off the hook for all of these financial promises. And, BTW, what ever happened to that NYS investigation of the Trump Foundation?


Which is why Jack Nicholson agreed to work for no guarantee but instead, a relatively small percentage of BATMAN’S gross revenues. Jack is way too savvy to be played like a rookie and expect to get anything from “net profits”. He supposedly raked in about $60 million for his role as The Joker. Good for him.


Just like how Mexico is going to pay for dump’s wall. They’ll pay for it in the future. Believe me.

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I saw this morning Don Jr. is starting or rebranding a patriotically themed hotel chain. As if we need this. Are other chains lacking in patriotic furor? Will there be Lee Greenwood piped into the lobby? They could be called last refuge of scoundrels inns.


Why would any Trumpco enterprise be patriotic? Oh, themed. Never mind.


“We don’t talk about the activities of the business. We don’t talk about what we’re doing in the business,” Eric Trump said. “It doesn’t blur the lines. You’re allowed to show that. And remember, the president of the United States has zero conflicts of interest. Zero.”

Yeah. Right.

Aside from the financial shenanigans why would they have veterans speaking against this bill? Why would a veteran have any stake in this?


This monetary arrangement with the Saudis might explain why Preshitident Trump attacked Qatar in a tweet. With the orange slime, always follow the money.

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Not for nothing, but if this were Hillary, Sean Hannity would have died of a brain hemorrhage by now. When a Republican does it, crickets. Damn left wing media.


Cheap price for trump not to make a fuss about things like this:


I had the same question. IIRC, the Obama administration actually opposed the bill, for diplomatic and security reasons; didn’t follow it closely, so I can’t get more specific, but maybe the vets opposed it on a similar basis.

@smiley: “women’s driving activist”…