Discussion: Trump Criticizes ‘Lover’ Peter Strzok's Testimony Despite Not Being There

If he testifies publicly we’ll all knows who’s full of shit. Rethugs can’t let that happen.


Corrupt slob Trump is channeling the deceased Roy Cohn.


Add personally attacking an FBI agent to his list of horribles.

Despicable beyond description. Full on debasement of the position of president.


This is Trump’s JOB. Trash talk anyone and everyone…go give a speech with lies and defections and incredulous wide eyed bs…meet with a dictator…and have no idea how this POTUS think works. Charming.


According to other reports, the pubbies on no basis whatsoever, know, they just know, Strzok is lying. Its always feelings over facts with these right wing shitnozzles. They’ve got their alt-narrative and they’re sticking to it.

No way do they let him testify publicly. The pubbies would cornifm that they are full of wind and piss.


President Trump - as gracious in victory as he is in defeat.


Mueller !!!

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Based on Roger Stone’s advice? Rudy’s? Trump has the audacity to criticize Mueller and Comey for being friends - look at who HIS friends are: Stone, Rudy, Judge Jeanine. Hannity…


I have a pretty simple standard, whether it was the drug war, or congressional testimony.

People who don’t want to look at the facts, or want to hide behind private testimony are afraid of the truth.

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President Trump, feeling a little jealous about Peter getting the publicity and the fun time that he had.

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Trump’s wife won’t even hold his hand, OK? But seriously this is nuts. It’s bubble thinking—people inventing absurd conspiracies anyone would laugh at outside the bubble. Two people didn’t like Trump and didn’t want him to be president. Which taints the entire U.S. legal system and agencies with tens of thousands of people in them. It’s lunacy. It’s like FOX, airing Lewandowski mocking a Down syndrome child taken from her parents and then saying “Oh shit, advertisers are canceling, we need to not do this stuff any more.” They just don’t see how it looks to the normals.


Republicans disagreed, saying that the pair’s personal politics undoubtedly tainted the operation.

So, I suppose we can say the same about the Reactionary congress critters investigating the investigation.
The evidence of it seems stronger, but, somehow, I don’t expect to see any of them recusing themselves.
Mystery of fucking mysteries.


Right, and the Nazi’s bombed Pearl Harbor. /s

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Trump has the audacity to criticize Mueller and Comey for being friends - look at who HIS friends are: Stone,

Vladimir Putin.

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It was pretty stupid to use official mail and make comments like they did. But so far I’ve not seen a shred of evidence these too idiots actually did anything. " we will stop him" is common political tough talk. Talk is usually as far as it goes and that’s the case here. But what they did was open up an avenue of defense for Trump. He can testify in the open if he likes. It will change nothing.

“But remember, he took his orders from Comey and McCabe and they took their orders from you know who. Mueller/Comey best friends!”

WTF? Did he just claim Comey and McCabe were taking orders from Mueller? Un-fucking-real.

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Yeah, Mueller’s totally been gunning for Trump since before he was…appointed? It’s utter lunacy, but we already knew to expect that from Trump. He has no filter. He will say whatever makes him feel best in any given situation and he doesn’t consider objective reality in any part of that. He lives in a bubble of one. He makes his own reality in his head and that’s the only one that matters to him.

I believe he raised Mueller’s greens fees and well, let’s face it, don’t get between an ex-FBI director and his golf game.