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Trump is the worst kind of client a lawyer could imagine. If he were my client, i would tell him, “Just STFU!” And when he didn’t, I’d fire him as a client.
Breaking news:
Trump criticizes the POTUS.
Says he is a loser!
In private practice, when your client publicly undermines your case on his behalf, you have the option of withdrawing as counsel. Don’t see how the DoJ can do that here, although I imagine there are a whole lot of lawyers there sending out resumes right now. Only a true believer would want to be a part of that shitshow.
The stupid, incoherent rage will just get worse as the investigations close in on him. Prepare ye.
The people the Justice Department are a lot smarter than him and know he has sabotaged himself.
I agree, but I hope not. I hope as many career AUSAs as possible can hold out for as long as they can. Keep the seats filled by competent attorneys that believe in our country’s values. Otherwise, can you imagine who Sessions and his minions would select to fill those “career” seats? The existing ASUAs deserve hazard pay for what they are putting up with.
Trump SIGNED the “watered-down” travel ban. It’s an EXECUTIVE ORDER for gawd’s sake, not something originating from Congress. If he didn’t like it, he needn’t have signed it. So which is it: read my tweets or go with my legally-signed pronouncements?
Does Trump even READ what’s put before him to sign?
I just don’t get why people continue to work for trump he shows them daily he will just throw them under the bus whenever he feels like it.
No. There aren’t any pictures that come with them.
I do agree with him that we should do rigorous vetting. Essentially, the vetting we’ve already been doing long before the Trump administration.
I mean, look at the damage that can be done when we don’t vet immigrants: In 1885, we let a man named Friedrich Trump into the country.
The travel ban was supposed to be a temporary 90-day ban until the Administration could review and revise its vetting procedures. Well, the 90 days has come and gone! And Trump just tweeted that they are now doing “extreme vetting.” So why does he need the ban any more? Why isn’t the executive order moot? I hope someone raises this issues before SCOTUS. Either Trump has revised the vetting rules – and so the order is no longer necessary – or he has not – which proves the rationale for the 90-day ban was complete and total BS.
I actually agree with you. It is better for the Justice Dept (and the country as a whole) that the agency continue to be staffed largely by career staffers and AUSAs. I can’t even imagine the parade of horribles if it is taken over completely by the True Believers.