Show of hands…surprised, anyone?
Not that there weren’t already Russian fingerprints all over this hack and data theft. But awfully nice of the GOP nominee to confirm it on video.
Thanks Kremlin Don!
So he will deny that his wife plagerized Michelle’s speech…but he can’t stop himself from bragging that he is using foreign enemies to illegally hack into Democratic systems.
He just admitted to a version of Watergate.
Call up the DoJ and lets start the investigation. Bury his happy orange butt in court.
He’s not even denying it anymore, Maybe he sees himself as FDR and sees Putin as Stalin, in Yalta, preparing to carve up Eastern Europe again.
Though this wont happen, Manafort seriously needs to gag him, because he just stated an obvious and very stupid answer to any inquiries.
See, this is the kind of stuff I expect him to blurt out now that he’s getting security briefings. He’s got NO filter.
Daesh isn’t the biggest security threat to the United States. Donald Trump and his giant gaping ego-driven maw are.
The America Firster is admitting to being in league with this country’s adversaries. This is just jaw-droppingly unbelievable.
Hes not FDR though
He’s getting played by a former KGB officer.
No it isn’t
Its jus 2016
They have to line up behind the other thousand or so outstanding lawsuits going on. Including two for alleged sexual assault.
Doesn’t this make him guilty of a violation of the DMCA? One of his ‘friends’ hacked a server for him? Sounds like felony accessory to me.
Of course once Trump is President no government computer will ever again be hacked. He’ll put a stop to it. On Day One (insert Hallelujah Chorus here)!! Because Donald.
I really REALLY don’t understand why this isn’t a bigger story right now. This along with what is being revealed about Trump’s deep financial ties to Russia.
But yannow, the GOP was all “Russia is evil!” until you elected the black man twice. Now they’re singing a much different tune, and it sounds an awful lot like the Russian national anthem.
It doesn’t matter how big a story it is. Trump could confess he was a paid consultant to the Kremlin and lose nary a vote in doing so.
Trump: As you can see, I have powerful allies. Every email Hillary sends, I get to see immediately. Putin is coming in very handy. I will let him invade US for a cut of profits.
Starting to think his marriage to Melania was arranged by Putin for concessions at a later date.
Of course no computer will be hacked in his administration…
No reason for Russian agents to hack things they’re given full access to…
First text of a Trump Administration:
“Vlady? Donnie. Passwords are in the attachment. WE RULE!~!” (insert about 3 dozen emojis)