For years conservatives would run entire campaigns based on whipping up fear that there were a vast conspiracy of outsiders threatening the nations security, sometimes correctly be it Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs or Hanoi Jane.
Now that the threat is essentially a hostile foreign asset in the White House who they support they can’t or won’t undo the monster they created.
unless you’re a member of congress… that has exempted itself …
Trump is going to resign on January 18th, 2021 and President Pence is going to issue him a blanket pardon for all Federal crimes committed. You know, in the interest of healing the nation and moving on. Trump is just left at that point litigating State charges until he dies. He should be able to appeal his way through that mess until his time on the planet has expired.
Six Trump stories already on TPM’s front page. OK, one was from last night. Going on four years now, Trump has at least 75% of all stories here. Unless something really big happens, Trump stories dominate.
Here’s the hand of TPM feeding Another Trump story to those here who can’t seem to get enough of bashing him day in and day out for four years:
Hey,mattinpa, how many different ways can you insult the man day in and day out? Doesn’t it get monotonous after a while? The man has been living in your heads here four damn years now and he dominates your conversation each and every day. How does someone so dumb manage to do that?
Is it possible that some people merely sound intelligent while Trump goes the opposite route? He beat our best candidate. He holds the office of the most powerful man in the world. He’s wealthy, and getting wealthier.
He dominates all news all day every day.
How can he accomplish all that and still be the dumbest MF in the world?
Can you take a guess how many insulting Trump comments you have made in the past 4 years?
I wouldn’t even care to venture a guess. It’s going on 1,460 days since he announced June of 2015.
[quote=“leftcoaster, post:26, topic:88876”]
Today should mark the start of an all-out press by the DC media to force the GOP to accept or repudiate Trump’s comments on foreign interference.
[/quote]Trump says “everybody” welcomes and accepts foreign government information and help in elections. Ask every Republican how often and for how long they’ve done this and when or if they did or will stop. And if they’ll now call the FBI when it happens again.
The enablers will keep enabling. McConnell will keep any legislation directed at preventing foreign interference from ever reaching the Senate floor.
Democrats need to multi-task. Impeach Trump and educate the public, while running 50-state campaigns to take over the Senate, increase the lead in the House, and win back the presidency. I’m convinced that Democratic control is absolutely necessary to save the country from a disastrous next 50 years.
The Prince of Whales was the original tweet.
If Trump is meeting with imaginary ocean creatures, he should definitely be reporting that to the FBI.
Or his local mental institution.
Indeed, a bigger dick than Dick–and by a lot! My twenty-year old self back in college during Watergate would be amazed.
This interview is just another illustration of the difference between now and Watergate. Back then, no one–not Congressional Republicans, not even Tricky, disputed that the things Nixon was accused of were Very Bad Things. Their defense, which they stuck to as long as they could, was that Nixon never did these things. Once the established facts demonstrated that he did (quaint isn’t it–accepted facts!) the jig was up. But Unser Drumpenfuhrer, his Congressional Republican enablers, his millions of racist cultist and–soon–five “justices” of the Supreme Court frankly admit almost everything he’s done, shrug and say “what’s wrong with that?”
File all this under “Things Guilty People Say and Do”.
Damaged or not, his display over these comments was someone who never had a sense of right or wrong to begin with. Pure criminal. His moral compass is built on what he can get away with. And he believes he is getting away with all of it and rubbing all of us rube, law abiding, good guys noses in it to boot. Every day is a repetition of that. It is meant to be hurtful. I am going to bang my drum again, we need to stop thinking he is a poorly functioning president and see him as an out of control criminal.
Which to this point he is.
Why shouldn’t he brag? As king he cannot be indicted and the Democrats rather do anything but mount serious investigations.
I made a similar comment on another thread about how disingenuous it is to let the entire GOP off the hook and for the entire media to focus their attention on Pelosi and the Dems to fix this fucking mess that tRump and the GOP, in their full support, have created for the country. It would be just as easy for the press to turn their full attention to calling out any GOPer on a daily basis but they don’t, and they refuse to do so. Running away from the cameras or avoiding the press from all-out criticism never let any Dem off the hook, that’s for sure. The GOP is doing nothing but constant aiding and abetting of a criminal while in office and is paying no price for doing nothing at their job with regards to oversight of the crimes being committed in plain sight. It drives me bonkers.
A, Repetition is necessary.
B, During WWII, many of the news stories were about WWII.
C, When the President of the United States of America declares himself to be an enemy of the people and a traitor to the Constitution, IT’S EFFING FRONT PAGE NEWS.
D, Trump needs to go, people need to be educated, made aware of, and armed with the facts to make that argument as effectively as possible.
I see the GOP being called out on this pretty much every single day. And whether or not Pelosi can fix the mess it is her duty to get started on the process. Enough is enough.
Here’s how this should be spun: Trump is simultaneously promising not to spy on North Korea, China and Russia while encouraging that they spy on us (as long as the spying is targeted towards benefiting him personally) AND he’s defining investigations into his misdeeds by congress and the FBI as spying on him.
On first glance, I read this as “I did it.”
Sigh. If only.
He is signing their tax cuts, their gutting of regulatory agencies, nominating their preferred judges, enabling their voter disenfranchisement, and will eventually be helping them shrink entltlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to the point they’re worthless or non-existent. Win-Win-Win-Win-Win, and more Wins. What’s not to like about Trump if you’re a GOPer?