Discussion: Trump Cracks That Critics Want Him To 'Call The FBI' After Meeting The Queen

So, Trump is saying during his meetings with foreign heads of state, foreign dignitaries, and others, they routinely provide him with opposition research on political adversaries?


Yup. The problem with this obtuseness is that most of the koolaid drinkers believe everything he says all at its face value.

But man, doesn’t it remind you of playground and PeeWee Herman level “cleverness”??

Also: the British royals very much liked the Obamas (invitation to Will and Kate at home?) – and merely went through the required motions for Hair Twitler, no matter how he chooses to delude himself and his koolaid drinkers. So, worst example ever. Even worse than “Norway”…


This isn’t the first time he’s conflated things that are only similar in the most absolutely concrete way. I swear, more and more I think he’s incapable of abstract thought.


Unfortunately, genius statements such as this will resonate with the base. And they are base.


Is there anything more aggravating than talking to a stupid person who is convinced they’re very smart?


Posted this in another thread but this, this, this,


I meet and talk to “foreign governments” every day. I just met with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales, the P.M. of the United Kingdom, the P.M. of Ireland, the President of France and the President of Poland. We talked about “Everything!” Should I immediately…

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2019


The guy is completely pathological.

And the rightwing just loves its fucking sociopaths.

I really wish someone would dose tRump with some kind of psychotropic medication already or at least adjust the dosage he might already be getting.

Who is tRump’s physician now anyways? Don’t they have a responsibility to report on his mental infirmity for national security purposes?

Gawd, he’s nuts.


I think that Donnie two scoops may have a point.

It is not like he did not write a book about himself called “Trump: The Art of the Deal”. Not read it myself, but I am guessing that nowhere in that book does it say “go call the FBI if it might be shady”. Nope, the idea he had was this, all publicity was useful, even bad publicity.

And he wrote that book a while back, and has always played by it, so what is everyones beef now?

If Liz shared racing info, you can be damned sure she told him to put his money on nags that would lose and up her stakes when she wins.


Agreed. I’m sure Trump gives his buddies inside information when he will announce his Tariff threats. This information rattles the markets and I’m sure someone is making money off of this. We won’t find out until 2021 when the SEC has a Democrat in charge.


It’s quite odd that when Trump does something authoritarian or lawless, many folks on the Dem side heap abuse on Pelosi, Nadler, or Schiff. We can argue about whether it’s time to impeach, and I think it’s time, but the abuse is unseemly.

Of course, one explanation is that there is a tacit assumption by all concerned that the GOP will do nothing about trump. So attacks on Pelosi et al., are a form of redirected aggression.


Another aspect of Trump’s severely damaged psyche is his belief that “ethics and rules are for losers”.


In 2020 Barr will direct the OLC to publish a directive proscribing a former President from being indicted and tried for a crime. As evidently the OLC is empowered to make laws outside the authority of Congress I suppose there’s no reason to believe it won’t fly.


The people receiving the information can go to jail for insider trading.

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since this post relates to the royal family… here’s this, i’m guessing it’s the same family:

Donald Trump was really tweeting about the ‘Prince of Whales’ this morning


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Do not forget that without any Official GOP Pushback, Trump is establishing GOP Norms and Standards because his minions are tacitly agreeing with him. Please remind your CongressPeople of this and vote accordingly.


Well, then I guess Barr wil also have to have the OLC publish a directive saying a former President can issue pardons.

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A former president will not be allowed to issue pardons when the former president is in living in a federal prison.

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Donnie’s inability to master the English language aside, his attempt to rationalize unethical and potentially treasonous behavior with a blatant non-equivalence (official meetings with foreign heads of state) is another example that the stable genius is a complete moron.