Discussion: Trump Continues With Claims That Page FISA App Discredits Mueller Probe

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Protests are getting to him. The prospect of a Carter Page indictment is getting to him. The baseā€™s unwillingness to fully embrace his Russia stance hurts him and his partyā€™s fundraising and turnout. Keep the pressure on Dems and Mueller/Rosenstein/SDNY. He will crack.


Inseet obligatory Big Lie reference here.


Trump is so off his troll game. What a rant. You would/wouldnā€™t think he could come up with a classic like, ā€œThanks Obummer, sadā€.


Bankrupt. Again.


His tweets are becoming like the buzzing of a gnat .I canā€™t even be bothered to get excited or even read them. They are meant for the base and he is so increasingly displaced from reality as to portray himself as an unhinged sociopath (#downfall)


Trump needs the ā€œstupid voteā€. This tweet is for them and to provide the media a chance to repeat his tweet.


Watch out FOX. Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch are upping the deep-state-conspiracy-crazy game. Canā€™t let them become his favorite source to quote.


Thatā€™s a target rich environment.

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How would we know?



Exactly. He wonā€™t admit wrongdoing. Heā€™s quite willing to blame others and get abusive and act in a wide variety of ā€˜unpresidentialā€™ ways.

Itā€™s not whether Trump will crack. Itā€™s what Mitch and Paul do and when.


My mind keeps trying to apply reason to his actions. My brain churns up why, what could he be thinking, what good could this do him and on and on. I keep reminding myself that the likely answer is thereā€™s no reason, it wonā€™t do him any good and heā€™s not ā€œthinkingā€ anything but honestly this man may have me as crazy as he is in the end.


Putin will be happy to hear it.

Itā€™s his actions and thoughts Iā€™m focusing on these days.


Trumpā€™s brain: Whatever I assert confidently will be believed by my cult followers. Remind them often so they donā€™t start thinking for themselves.

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That reminds me: Iā€™m hoping that people the people who created the ā€œDownfallā€ movie meme keep up the good work with Rump/Mueller. Some of those were quite good.

Heā€™s not thinking, heā€™s reacting. Heā€™s getting backed into a corner, the walls are closing in, and he is getting desperate because he sees no way out. So heā€™s in an irrational ā€œfight or flightā€ mode, with adrenalin wiring him up and his synapses are firing constantly. Iā€™ll bet heā€™s hardly sleeping these days, so heā€™s probably hallucinating even more than usual.

I sometimes wonder if there are not a few dim, dark recesses in his mind where he really wishes heā€™d never started this game.


Itā€™s unfortunate that so much in the warrants is redacted (even some material marked (U) for unclassified is redacted). As time goes on, it would be good to see more of it be declassified, if sources become less sensitive so the country can see how totally nailed Page was.

They should drop the discredited Mueller Witch Hunt now!

Yeah yeah. 32 indictments and 5 guilty pleasā€¦I mean like totally fucking discreditedā€¦

Isnt it amazing the agonic writhing and reality denial a thin skinned guilty as hell target of an ongoing investigation can conjure up?