Discussion: Trump Continues Victory Lap With 'Thank You Tour' Stops In NC, IA, MI

Every time I see one of these events, I get the sinking feeling that Trump’s audience believes that, by chanting “lock her up,” "send them back, and “drain the swamp,” they are actually participating in governing the country. Reminds me just a bit of the mobs in revolutionary France, who believed they were participating in government when they cheered the guillotine.


Right about now Trump thinks he literally wields more power than God. His endocrine system doesn’t even know what to do with all the juices sloshing around in his system.

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I hope he gets protesters. Not inside causing trouble but outside, in large numbers. And loud enough to penetrate that famously thin skin of his.

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I think Iraq or Syria, show Isis who the new boos is and let them take their best shot, figuratively of course…

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He’s always thought that, this is just more proof.

Seriously, what are the health implications of that? Something fatal, I hope?

Or get cracking on disassociating himself totally from his myriad, yet undisclosed business interests, especially those Russian beholden ones? Time is Tight.

My son pointed out Jordan Klepper speaking to folks waiting to get into a Trump’s first Victory tour.

Can’t we cut to the chase and call this “The Masturbation Tour”?

With Donald it pretty much goes without saying.

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