"I loved it,” said Mr. Kudlow. “He is who he is.”
Larry’s not going to know what hit him.
ETTD, stupid is. as stupid does…
Only the best… who are willing to sign the loyalty oath.
I am curious how Kudlow is going to do on his security clearance paperwork since he broke numerous laws buying huge amounts of cocaine. He may have overcome his addiction and that’s to be lauded but he is still an admitted crook. Seems especially bad that his wealth and connections keep him on the top while thousands are incarcerated for similar activities.
Not only is he who he is, he is also what he is.
[Hint: “stable genius” is not it.]
Kudlow graduated from University of Rochester in Rochester, New York with a degree in history in 1969.
In 1971, Kudlow attended Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, where he studied politics and economics. He left before completing his master’s degree.
He’s not a real economist; he just plays one on TV.
Ya Larry
We’re taking book on 6 months
You’ve never worked with him have you?
You ought to call a few people
And every year, there are hundreds of soap opera bit part actors play their parts more convincingly.
And now a word from our sponsors:
I can’t wait until Crazy tRump makes Dr. Oz the Surgeon General.
I’m not sure an Economic Adviser needs a security clearance, or at least not a very high one. He’s not dealing with closely held national security secrets. He could get most of the information he needs just by reading Krugman’s column.
“I sure hope Larry brings that sound effects thingy,” the obese 71-year-old told his mirror between bites of Big Mac and Filet-O-Fish.
If only he’d have had it when Kudlow was announced. That descending slide whistle would’ve gone great with the stock market drop.
Which he would, of course, ignore. Kudlow hasn’t been wrong about every goddamn thing for no reason.
I really need to have some shirts made.
Here is a fun little summary of how wrong he has been - over a period of decades.
So of course Trump had to pick him.
I’d forgotten about Larry’s hand in the Kansas miracle.
OT And speaking of Kansas, I ran across this and had to laugh out loud.
In another survey, Richman looked at suspended voters — those who didn’t provide proof of citizenship — and flagged any names that appeared to be foreign. Ho asked if, for example, a name like “Carlos Murguia” would be flagged. When Richman said yes, Ho informed him Murguia is a federal judge in the same courthouse where the trial is taking place.
If the Kris Kobach Krew had a batting average it would be expressed as a negative number.
Gawd, if anything will drive poor befuddled Larry Kudlow back to his $100,000 a week coke habit, it’s working for Trump!
Can you IMAGINE how inept you have to be to have been fired from The National Review? Yikes!
Kobach is reportedly really smart - degrees at Harvard and I believe Oxford.
I think this is what happens to the brain when one is so driven by ideology (anti immigrant/make GOP win at all costs) - believe one (and all one’s cohort) are smarter than everyone else and thus no one will notice/prove the shakiest of shenanigans pulled, and nurture such hubris that when caught - don’t use a lawyer - do the lawyering oneself.
And as a result come across to the courts and the country as a dumber than a box of rocks keystone cop type of official. Good luck, Kris, with that run for Governor. Oh, and please let the stage door slam you hard on the ass as you leave the public stage for obscurity.
Of course, Larry from teevee land ! A perfect addition. I give him 1 month, 60 days tops.
Lawrence Alan “Larry” Kudlow is an American conservative television personality and economic commentator.
I’ve always viewed these business shows like the one hosted by Kudlow with a jaundiced eye. Sure Adam Smiths money on PBS would dispense some valuable insights particularly regarding personal finance and Louis Rukeyser might have made some sound stock and bond picks.
But if you based your investment portfolio on the musings of business show hosts like Kudlow, Bartiromo, Kramer or Varney you’d have a heck of a time trying to get by or plan and enjoy a decent retirement.
Omg…others have already said it so I won’t go on and on BUT Christ on a cracker this guy is dumb. He’s not even an economist!!!
He’s just a spiffy good-sounding tv personality, who knows jack shit about anything.
Will no one rid me of this meddlesome shitshow?