I’m sure Judge Hardiman told Donald his sister is SOOOOOO smart it must run in the family!!!1!!! And now he’ll be on the Supreme Court because we all know flattery is the most important qualification for a lifetime appointment to the nation’s highest court.
Barrett is totally loony tunes. See this tweet from TPM alum Sahil Kapur:
What could go wrong?
“Hannity, along with Rudy Giuliani and others, had lunch with Trump at his golf club”
One knows the inmates are running the asylum, genuflecting to their Orange God, but it really smacks you in the head evry now and then when one reads lines like this- Hannity, Giuliani, probably Judge Judy are selecting our next SCOTUS judge for decades to come. The insanity of it.
Having served more than a few Repubs, you know they asked for separate checks.
I would be careful about the Kapur post. As I quickly scanned the article, it appeared to be a theoretical academic argument, not necessarily the authors opinions, and basically put the decisions on Congress, not the judiciary (but read quickly, and not a lawyer).
Maybe even a kind of reductio ab absurdum? Like she knows realistically you can’t take any approach to the extreme and be politically viable. I don’t think it’s a huge conservative goal to delegitimize West Virginia.
But I have a bigger question: Has Maryanne Trump ever been seen in the same room with Donald? Seems like he and frickin’ Tiffany are close compared to his sister. If she’s hepped on the family connection herself she’s pretty closed-mouthed about it.
“The best” judiciary money can buy…
Nah, it’s normalizing the originalist positions on Brown, the SSA, WV and even the alleged unconstitutionality of the Fourteenth Amendment.
ETA: Quotes like this one show where she’s coming from:
Politics, not legal duty, determines whether Congress reconsiders the soundness of super precedent.
For super precedent, she’s talking about things like the Fourteenth Amendment.
It truly is loony tunes.
Using the Last Person He Spoke With metric, I’d say Barrett has the lead in this reality competition. Will someone else pull ahead because of a conversation this morning? America holds it’s breath in anticipa…uh, no. They’re all terrible.
Yes, and each month the quality of Trump’s “brain trust” erodes further. A year from now, we’ll fondly remember when FOX personalities made his decisions, as opposed to Alex Jones, Philip Jauregui and the ghost of Roland Freisler.
Even stranger, Marion Trump Barry, while no liberal’s idea of an ideal judge, would never receive the Falwell/Graham/Hewitt seal of approval.
Cannot vouch for the accuracy of this article, but Trump Barry supposedly is close to Don the Con, even if she has (gasp) liberal tendencies.
“Trump’s big sister is a private person who once described Donald as PT Barnum, according to the book “Trump Nation.” She has taken positions viewed as pro-choice (which subjected her to attack ads during the GOP primary this year). And in stark contrast to the apparent Republican nominee, she has repeatedly expressed pro-immigrant views. In 2006 she issued a revealing opinion on a deportation case, saying that Americans should be ashamed if they don’t heed the welcome message under the Statue of Liberty.”
Does Trump really trust anyone in his family? Does he realize that Judge Maryanne is probably the smartest of the bunch? Probably. And does that help or hurt Hardiman’s chances? Because … resentment at not being the one to inherit the, like, really smart genes.
And, @losamigos, wouldn’t it be great if she was trolling Trump with a recommendation of someone she knows would be reasonable and open to considering valid arguments (which is the best we can hope for).
But does she want her little brother to go to prison? In other words, would she recommend for the Supreme Court a colleague who might vote against the Orange Loser?
Well duh when he takes his treason trial all the way to the supreme court he’s going to need all the help he can get!
Maybe 30 years ago a small part of him realized there were many people who were much smarter than him. He’s much sicker today, it seems, and he’s debilitated in ways that make it harder to make accurate judgments or to do anything like real thinking at all. Any connection to him via his family is a huge point in something’s favor. If this Hardiman sat in a room with his sister, so much the better. It would make as much sense to him as any other criterion. Remember he was so concerned with their looking the part? I mean, really? He’s obsessed with things that are trivially irrelevant because grappling with the decision in a rational way is beyond him.
I’m surprised Trump didn’t pick Connecticut Russian mobster Paul Manafort for the court…
I’m surprised Trump didn’t pick Judge Kennedy;s son…Kennedy’s son gave Trump a $ 1 B loan from Deutsche Bank when no other major international or US bank would loan money to Trump because his business is not credit worthy.
Presidents should not be allowed to issue pardons or appoint any judges if they are under investigation and members of his cabinet have plead guilty to crimes. Trump is a criminal…he’s a Russian sympathizer and he’s helping Putin’s global neo-Nazi movement.
McConnell and Ryan need to Stop Trump!
A fair amount of Republican mischief begins that way …
… but I agree with you that one ought to read the article instead of stopping at Mr. Kapur’s tweet.