Discussion: Trump, Clinton Actually Find Some Pretty Nice Things To Say About Each Other (VIDEOS)

“Well, I consider her statement about my children to be a very nice compliment. I don’t know if it was meant to be a compliment but it is a great

oh, nice backhand there, Donnie…


She compliments his children. He fails to compliment her child. So he obviously doesn’t know how parents actually function in the real world.


The entire debate up to the last question: “She hasn’t accomplished anything in 30 years. She’s all talk.”

The last question: “She’s a fighter. She never gives up.”

But she does fight hard and she doesn't quit and she doesn't
 give up. I consider that be a very good trait,” he said.

This is the ONLY “factual” statement I have heard Trump utter in the entire campaign —

As for the rest of his comments … " you can’t bullshit an old bullshitter Donny "


Clinton’s response was some fantastic shade. It sounded graceful, but she actually said “five people who aren’t Donald Trump, in spite of him.”

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The moderators after doing an exceptionally poor job of controlling the first 30-40 minutes or so of the debate finally got around to the questions of the people seated on the stage and from social media. The last question is the kind of thing I hate as it is a waste of time when so many important questions haven’t been asked and answered. Still I thought Hillary answered it gracefully. Donald finally came up with a decent answer as well and he would do well to remember the trait he says he admires.
This debate was NOT like the town hall debates we have seen in the past, in that the people on the stage were all but ignored for a majority of the time. Once again, no questions on the most pressing issue of our time: climate change. Pretty astonishing considering that a category 3 hurricane had just roared up Florida’s, Georgia’s & S. Carolina’s east coast causing a lot of damage and at least 2 deaths.

He never has been a parent in the real sense of the word. Raising children is woman’s work in his opinion. He spent very little time with his kids when they were growing up which probably explains any good qualities they have.

Hillary reeled him in like a fish with her answer. She didn’t directly compliment him; he did directly compliment her. Team Clinton can use that in an ad.