Discussion: Trump Claims Warren Not As Popular As Expected: She Fell Into 'The Pocahontas Trap'

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Not sure who’s going to beat your ass first, Donnie?

Robert Mueller in 2019, or the female Democratic candidate in 2020.

I’m good with it either way…


“The desire fathered the thought”


We’re caught in a perpetual moron trap.


Several of my friends have told me they think the Native American heritage issue rules Warren out. Not to compare the two things, but Trump’s harping on it will likely exhaust it as a live issue, like the Jeremiah Wright controversy for Obama. It had some traction the first few times it is raised, but as long as Warren keeps coming back, the conventional wisdom will morph into “people don’t seem to care.”


I saw that right after she did the DNA test. People (talking heads/MSM) “this 100% removes her from contention, she should not even try”.

It’s amazing how much shit Trump gets away with but, a Dem makes 1 little mis-step and it’s Game Over, Man!


She kind of did.

Which is especially sad when you consider that a trap involving a box, a ruler, a string, and a small pile of bird seed is much more sophisticated than the one she fell for.

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-ME)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-ME) (D-MA)


I hope he keeps saying stupid and racist shit. Sure, his base loves it, but his base is unable to get him enough votes to win. He needs independents and moderates. He is losing more of them each and every day.


Thank you.


Being a school yard bully is not a trap for anyone but #45.


He is SUCH scum…what can you say…he never fails to disappoint…either side.


oh Donnie, Donnie, Donnie… once you are electorally scalped u will wish you walked in anyone else’s pair of moccasins but your own.


If you are a kid on a playground and a bully double dog dares you to stick your tongue on a frozen dead bird swearing that if you do your tongue will stick to it… well, the bully is wrong but you shouldn’t do it to prove him so! If you do, maybe you can claim victory in proving him wrong, but the rest of us can have legit doubts that you are the correct person to take down the bully in the next school election.


Matthew 6:22-23 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!"


After two years of Trump’s ocean full of idiocy, they think a taunt will rule her out? Have they been asleep for the last two years? Are they ‘concerned’ Democrats showing concern? If Democrats reject someone because of something Trump says, they aren’t Democrats at all.


And Donnie fell into the lying, treason, tampering, money-laundering, testosterone-injecting, toxic ego, and I’m-going-to-nauseate-every-human-with-a-soul traps…


I am among the minority of those who said that Warren’s DNA test gambit was the right thing to do and it was effective for her. It wasn’t more than a 1-2 news cycle story and it stopped Trump from using it to bash Native Americans while Warren stepped up and is willing to take the heat for her decisions just like any pol has to. No pol is perfect. All have some odd position or baggage to deal with. That’s normal. What’s not normal or good is what she had been doing the previous 18 months, which was nothing. She had an ineffective response and it was most cringeworthy to hear Pocahontas used as a racist epithet repeatedly to mock Warren with no pushback. That kind of desensitization towards an entire group of people is what leads to events like what happened with those kids disrespecting Native Americans at The Mall.

One of the challenges Warren will have is to prove to minorities that she will fight for them and knows how to do that. It’s a weakness in my view. But I think dealing with the Pocahontas thing was an important step for her to address those concerns on her terms, not Trump’s, and to keep Native Americans out of Trump’s firing line.


Not because of what Trump said… but in how she was successfully provoked by a bully into doing something stupid.

Sure it is. Bullies can bring out the worst in people and make them do stupid things. That’s what happened here. Good for her in wanting to stand up to a bully. Bad for her for doing so in a stupid and ineffective way.

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