No one buys this except idiots and morans.
Good plan. Run with that one, dotard.
Speaking of phonies…
They played a clip of the orange pustule this morning talking about Mexicans and Mika pointed out accurately , “You can hear and see the contempt in his voice. From the moment he came down that escalator , there has been hate in his voice and demeanor”
Evil incarnate
His base
I’m through trying to “understand” Trump supporters
They need to be hit with a shovel put in FEMA Reeducation and deprogramming camps
Yeah, those infants and toddlers are really crying, “par-tee, par-tee, par-tee!”
No amount or kind of suffering is too much to wish upon this vile, racist, hateful creature that is infesting the White House and damaging/ruining so many real lives.
I feel sorry for Barron, I really do. This evil soulless empty vessel is his father. And his mother had a smirk surgically implanted on her botoxed face at Walter Reed in May.
TRUMP: “Come on … foreign children don’t really count”
The more he goes on and on like this - the more of his own (not the die hards - but the reliables, those who reliably vote for republicans because…) who have fallen into a trance-like cult following status, will - one by one - start to wake up. Maybe not today - but if one reads about folks who were involved in cults about how they came to ‘awaken’ and eventually find the way to break free… this is how it starts. A jolt of cognitive dissonance that leads to questioning of the fundamentals of the belief system.
There were a lot of people before talking about how TPM shouldn’t mention Ann Coulter ranting about crisis actors, but this is the reason why. Far right lunatic conspiracy theorists have the ear of the president of the United States and he will be parroting their words within a few days, so we need to have warning of it.
That would be about the time that Mika and Joe gave him a free platform most mornings of the week.
Hopefully they won’t notice they are setting themselves on fire either-- until it’s too late.
Memo to Donnie: Name one of those phony stories and prove its authenticity. Otherwise, STFU!
For fuck’s sake. Stick a fork in the DOTUS already. He’s done. Off the grill and into the dustbins of an unkind history. Please.
So how are the media going to deal with this one? Will it be: “The President seemed to be stretching the truth here.” “There does not seem to evidence supporting the president’s claims, though conservative analyst Ann Coulter has argued they may be child actors.”
Or are you going to say that these are the rantings of a lunatic, utterly divorced from reality?
In the Senate, Republicans would need at least 10 Democrats to jump onboard for a bill to move to the House.
Maybe McConnell should let the Ds draft an immigration bill and see if they can get two Republicans to jump onboard. I’m sure Ryan would rush it to the floor in the House, DT would sign it immediately, and voila, Honey, everything’s coming up roses!
Trump’s tweets always remind me of the old adage: You can’t spell Donald Trump without a T, a U, an R, and a D.
Fuck You, Dotard.
Really important twitter thread - describing the lawyers of barriers and to total lack of care and responsiveness of layers of govt agencies.