No, the polls are accurate and suppressing the GOP vote.
“They try and suppress the vote. This way, people don’t go out and vote,” he said. “But we’re winning this race. I really believe we’re winning.”
“My Russian hacker friends assure me that I’ll do much better at the polls.”
The polls are phony! The media is corrupt! My mic malfunctioned! Those women are lying!, SNL is being mean to me! etc etc etc
Just one damn whiney excuse after another to explain away why Donny is the biggest loser!
Maybe we can ask the people standing in line for hours to vote whether the phony polls have influenced them.
When the polls show up, they are wonderful. When they are down, they are rigged. What a loser man baby this lout is. That’s insulting to babies and men everywhere… but words escape me.
Spin, spin, skew, skew, for a pot of Trumpish brew.
You really believe you’re winning? I really believe you’re delusional.
There is not a shamelessness depth this man won’t climb down.
The fact that people can see his behavior over the past couple of weeks and still support him gives me a sick feeling, in my stomach. Some of which are people I call friends.
I wonder if Trump’s familiar with what a false sense of security does. If the polls are correct but he’s got the rubes thinking its actually in the bag for him what might that do? It might make them complacent. Not good for Trump.
The Republicans who supported other candidates and fell in line eventually after Trump got the nomination are falling out of line again because he’s flagrantly proven himself to be the crazy lying abusive pig he always was. People don’t want to vote for crazy lying abusive pigs. And that tends to suppress the vote. It’s not a conspiracy. The GOP voters outside the craziest base contingent are just realizing there are worse potential outcomes to this election than Hillary Clinton nominating Supreme Court justices.
Must be that cartel of international media bankers.
And the Rothschilds. You know? Them…
The phoniness, it’s coming from… it’s coming from INSIDE THE CANDIDATE!
For me, it’s a few that I called friends. The vitriol spewed by them by anyone that contradicts their view of Trump (strong leader) and Hillary (heart of evil) has been astonishing. I’ve lost several decades old friends over this election. Each has completely astonished me at their vicious responses to calm extremely mild comments about Trump. What I though were rational people have become unhinged.
With some of mine, sadly, it’s similar. At the very least, our friendships are forever altered.
“heavily weighted with Democrats”
Yes, the electorate is heavily weighted with Democrats. You are a loser, and nobody wants to vote for you. Sad.
My 89yo Republican mother doesn’t need the polls to know she’s not going to vote for Trump. The real kicker for her was when he ridiculed the disabled. His attack on women has just increased her disgust. No polls were harmed in creating this post.
I’m kind of amused by people saying professional pollsters are pushing an agenda.
What’s a pollster’s agenda most of the time? To be right. If they’re wrong, nobody pays any attention to them. This is even true of partisan pollsters. Why would they lie when their goal is to take one of the steps required to win the election?
Such mixed messages!
Clearly, Donald is not in command of his own campaign.
Meanwhile, the countdown clock to his spectacular cleaning continues to count down … Tic Tac, Tic Tac, Tic Tac …