Hey, if Donnie says they promised to do it, then I’m sure they did. Just like NK promised to denuclearize.
Donnie’s word is bond. It’s good enough for me.
He appears to listen as well as he speaks.
Those NATO members know how to deal with Dementia patients.
Just the typical insanity. In reality there was a preexisting goal of 2 percent GDP on defense by 2024. He’s just babbling his usual double talk in which everything is great and perfect and beautiful thanks to him and he describes it all in vague, conflicting ways that spare him the inconvenience of saying anything you could determine the truth or falsity of.
This BS is nothing compared to the blizzard he will create after his meeting with Putin.
“Now what you have to understand is some of them have their own parliaments, their own Congresses…”
Yam Mussolini is unclear on the concept of sovereign nations.
They’re going to up it at levels that they never thought of before,”
You’d think he could at least cheat someone out of some new phrases.
When you add up the descriptive words and phrases he habitually uses I doubt it would reach two dozen. Mynah birds point and laugh at his small vocabulary.
That reminds me of me, lately.
So is someone feeding him this stupid shit to say, I mean besides Fox News? I mean I can believe he makes a lot of it up on the spot, but some of it seem beyond what he would know is at least somewhat relevant.
That’s what I thought. Not angry, just new normal.
He’s a gist guy, “Just give me the gist, I don’t do details.”
“Now what you have to understand is some of them have their own parliaments, their own Congresses, they have a lot of things to go through. …
I have a sickening realization that he just figured this out yesterday. Only thing missing is the “Not many people know…” verbiage.
This is a game that Trump plays with corporations and CEOs. Trump claims that company x is going bring y number of jobs to American State Z. The statement is generally either not true or a gross overestimation. Then, when company x doesn’t come through (they were never going to), Trump feels free to attack the company. Daniel Dale has pointed out this pattern and we’ve all seen it play out here at home. Trump is now doing this with the NATO heads of state.
His mind continually simplifies things to the point it can handle them, and he probably suggested some things, being meeker with people face to face, and they said “Well, we’ll have to see how it plays with our domestic political situation.” So he says “Oh, right” and then turns around and uses that uncertainty as a way to fuzz up the expectations. He can say oh man we’re doing great things because I said to and then he hedges with that but-maybe-not aspect.
French President Macron denies Trump claim that NATO powers agreed to increase defense spending beyond previous targets. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/french-president-macron-denies-trump-claim-nato-powers-56533074
But who are you going to believe–our president or some random Frenchy?
Random Frenchy. What else would you like to know?