Discussion: Trump Claims Mueller Appointment 'UNCONSTITUTIONAL,' Contrary To Judge's Ruling

Well, the week is still young…


My thought exactly. Something big is about to drop, anyway. We can’t see the bombers through the overcast, but the drone of their engines is becoming louder and louder and the flak is flying.


As the Founding Fathers penned the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, surely someone tried to present hypothetical situations that might challenge the philosophies and laws contained in it. No one could imagine someone as deranged and despicable as Trump. His total contempt for everyone in the world except himself makes him a threat to our national security, rule of law and common respect for human rights. Some pretty smart guys got together a long time ago and wrote this:

But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Declaration of Independence (1776)



Trumpmobile does not have a reverse gear …

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More like a møøse in your bedroom bellowing as if in eternal rut.


It’s not whether the current president would see things the same way. It’s whether this Congress would act the same way as the 1974 Congress would have if Nixon refused to hand over the tapes.


Wrong. He is MUCH worse than that. He is more like suffering an attack of acute pancreatitis while in labor.


I’m old enough to remember when we had a president who actually knew something about the Constitution. Unfortunately we didn’t deserve him (h/t MDowd). But otherwise, good times!


It depends on how willing the this Congress is to have one of a number of things happen. One, many of those who would side with PP would almost certainly be kicked out of office (we know disgust with PP isn’t limited to Dems), and two, how many in the Congress want to destroy the underpinnings of the government by ignoring their constitutional obligations.


But according to the MSM - and especially Craig Melvin over at NBC - the fact that Donald Trump is trying to delegitimatize the Mueller investigation by calling it “UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!” and also Trump basically saying he has dictatorial powers because he believes he can pardon himself for all crimes, even crimes committed BEFORE he became President, and even crimes he has not even been brought to trial for yet or convicted of yet, is nowhere near as important as Bill Clinton refusing to apologize to Monica Lewinsky for a CONSENTUAL AFFAIR BETWEEN TWO ADULTS that happened over 20 years ago.
Jeez, if I had known years ago that giving a blowjob had such power over the national media, I’d have my own reality show by now! I wonder what would have happened if the MSM found out about FDR getting a blowjob during WWII? The media would have insisted we hand over the world to Adolf, because how could Nazism compare to the evils of an illicit hummer?


But the Mysteriously Missing Melania said he was born in Kenya. And she got a “Genius” visa!


We’re there. The independent powers and authorities of our three branches of government will be severely tested in the coming weeks. If T rumpp has his way, this form of government will cede all independent authority, unilaterally, to himself. If ever a sitting President had ambitions of gaining dictatorial powers, that’s where we are. This is clearly his sole intent as POTUS.


Wonder if Mel served him with divorce papers.


Do they smell like cinnamon buns? You can smelt that, too?


Remember, it was common knowledge within the WH and the WH Media that JFK had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. Never made the papers because back then, even a president’s private life was considered private.
We still survived the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the entry into Vietnam.


This morning all the signers suddenly sat up. John Adams said to Thomas Jefferson, “WTF did that dipshit just say?!”


he sure sounds like a scared and guilty person.


Or, he’s built up such a tolerance to Ambien that the only effect on him is to make king-sized tweets.

They smell like…victory.