… and there is currently a distillation process going on - Trump’s support is statistically declining, and it is a result of the draining off of the remaining more moderate, introspective traditional Republicans … So as this component of his base is burned off, what remains has an unhealthy level of crazy woven through it - a substantial amount of true mentally unstable paranoid xenophobic psychos who think that 9-11 was an inside job … that Hilary worships the devil … that Sandy Hook was a hoax… that professional wrestling is real … that all dark skinned minorities should be rounded up & deported to where ever they came from … this is an ugly mob … and it needs to be fed raw meat on a regular (and incrementally increasing) basis.
Trump is just trying to distract us from the fact that he’s a racist POS.
TPM had a few items on that yesterday that I ran out of time to read.
This is one of those things that liberals and moderates don’t understand about the right-wing and it’s language, this means something different to Trump supporters than it does to the rest of us and it’s good timing for Trump to say it to them. For the GOP base, Trump is not arguing the minutia of the numbers, he’s just signaling to them to ‘not give a shit about this subject’. It’s the same with ‘fake news’. “fake news” is not some disagreement or lie about “facts” for the GOP base, like it is for the rest of us, it’s a signal to drop any concern for the subject. When the GOP screams “fake news” they are really just screaming ‘ I don’t give a shit’. So while we all look at this and think bad timing, it’s actually a primer to get the GOP base ready to also ‘not give a shit’ about whats about to happen in the Carolinas.
Liberals (and the press!!!) really need to get a handle on right-wing language because it bites us in the ass a lot. When conservatives said ‘we will only deport criminals’ liberals thought ‘oh ok, deporting a rapist or someone who carjacked a person seems fair’ we can work with that. Only that’s not what conservatives meant or what their base heard. For them ALL ‘illegal immigrants’ are criminals by definition. They committed the ‘crime’ of coming here illegally so for the GOP base ALL of them must go. Then we all act ‘surprised’ that they want to do that, and make policies to deport everyone.
I think he really believes that Democrats are out to get him. He has passed simple liar into the land of the delusional.
The President* is infinitely awful. Unfathomable, without bottom, fucking awful.
But wait, there’s more.
When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths.
Even if this were true, how could he possibly know? Did he personally tromp up and down every steep mountain and gully of Puerto Rico, inspecting every remote home and counting corpses? No one knows the death count of any disaster until long after it’s passed.
"This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!"
Could you show us on the doll where you pulled this claim out of?
The total that shows you’re an incompetent comes from the Puerto Rican government after they could get around the island and power had been restored somewhat…
Um no…the number bandied about was 64 and the Puerto Rican government SAID that was an undercount because they couldn’t get around. Where the hell does this 6-18 number come from?
That’s also a great point, but what i should have made clear, is that Santorum’s strange argument states that the state government’s bears the greater responsibility for what happened in '16.
okies, thas too easy to fact-check.
Trump is a manipulative pathological liar - unconstrained by any inner compulsions to be truthful or honest - but also has a super-saturating malevolent factor that permeates every ounce of his being - he needs to screw people over to validate his existence - plus a strong sense of what appeals to the haters’ dark sides.
what is so dysfunctional - but works so well for Trump is that he has this twisted blend of being innately able to be unencumbered by the truth - and a sense of how to inflict damage to the political culture for his advantage with absolutely no regard for what it may do to the country or the world… from a strategic / political standpoint - Trump is playing to “kill” - protocol, decorum, tradition, accepted norms - are to be disregarded and freely trampled - the only limits that come into the picture as simply the question of whether Trump believes he can get away with it… if Trump was a boxer - he would be hitting below the belt, biting, kicking, head butting, tripping, elbowing… and would have previously paid off / blackmailed the ref.
There is a broad spectrum unwillingness to fully recognize this in the political world - and there has been a real reluctance for anyone to step forward and truly truly get in the ring with him on a sustained basis… the closest might be Michael Avenatti? ! ! (and he has been pretty much just a one trick pony) … time will tell - but it would seem that there is a urgent need to have multiple player savagely attacking Trump on a constant basis - get under his skin - make him nuts about ‘winning vs losing’ against an adversary - wear the bastard out - use his compulsion to respond to every slight - never let him sleep and drive him into a twitter induced coma - it is clear that he can not be calmed by cool treatment and urging to follow protocol - maybe it is worth trying to overheat him and burn him to the ground.
Just Google: Puerto Rico, runway, water!
He’s had 70 years of steady practice.
Delusional turd.
I did not know that politicians have a button for “hey voters, drop any concern for this issue.” Usually it is the other way around–voters have concerns and politicians pretend to care about them. It may be the case that Trump supporters are so inert that they take signals from their leader as to what to care about or not (more likely they already don’t give a shit about Puerto Rico), but it is a pretty dangerous public communication strategy. There are many more people who just care about what they care about and will judge politicians on how they speak to those concerns.
More likely it is a way of just blurring the lines on everything. Everything that is true, say it is not true, when enough right wingers repeat it then you magically have the “lots of people are saying” kind of truth.
I hope this is satire because it’s really stupid. A classic of stupidity.
And theghostofeustacetilley scores again!
@nbear - adjust your snark meter.
Chiselin’ Trump: “Not only did I raise billions of dollars of relief aid for Puerto Rico, but I also raised thousands of Puerto Ricans from the dead.”