“This president, again, it’s so unique that he wants everything out so the American people can make up their own minds and if there’s people to be held accountable, then so be it,” Kelly said.
WTF??? WTF??? “Everything out”???
So…out of what was a multi-page FISA warrant application, this cherry-picked, distorted, and misleading piece of propaganda by the fool Nunes, consisting of 4 pages, and without allowing a Democratic response and without the underlying facts that supported the FISA request…all this constitutes getting “everything out”??? Kelly has lost any respect he might have ever had and is now nothing more than another Trump/FOX News stooge.
“This president, again, it’s so unique that he wants everything out so the American people can make up their own minds and if there’s people to be held accountable, then so be it,” Kelly said.
He wants everything out except the Democrats’ memo that contains the truth, or anything else that has that reality-based fact component to it.
Kelly, former general now fawning sycophant. Sad.
@marty110 that quote stood out to me too. We already know you sold your soul to the devil Kelly. You don’t need to prove it EVERY time you open your mouth. We get it.
He said White House lawyers are currently examining it “so that we know what it means and what it understands.”
But his remarks suggested its release was a matter of when, not if.
“This president, again, it’s so unique that he wants everything out so the American people can make up their own minds and if there’s people to be held accountable, then so be it,” Kelly said.
This article by a former FBI agent who actually worked on FISA applications is MUST READING and lays out
just how despicable and phony this whole thing is…
Of course Trump hasn’t read the memo. It’s FOUR PAGES LONG, for crissakes. And there are no pictures!!!
He said White House lawyers are currently examining it “so that we know what it means and what it understands.”
Of course the WH group has never seen it before… The Generalissimo is one dangerous player.
Was Kelly EVER a decent man or was he always this racist a$$hat? Of everybody in the WH staff, i thought there would be 1 sane person defending Law and Order from these ridiculous cherrypicked and inaccurate slurs. But after watching Kelly lie about a Congresswoman, double down on those lies, deliberately prevent immigration reform from being resolved…i should have known better.
The expression on his face makes him look so happy to be fucking over the American people, and transforming our democratic system of government into an authoritarian regime.
The White House is no longer acting like it plans to give a shady intelligence memo put together by House Intel Chairman Devin Nunes a thorough review before deciding whether to publicly release it.
It never was, Ms. Sneed.
But thanks for yet another great article in what must be trying circumstances.
Shouldn’t “Turncoat” Kelly be somewhere he can live up to his potential? Like back at the Pentagon planning disastrous military adventures.
That is exactly what he is doing! Enabling disaster, requiring a military adventure!
Meh. Kelly is all in. He wants the imaginary 1950’s back so bad he can taste it.
I predict 2 things (a/k/a talking out of my ass again):
This blows up spectacularly in their faces. They will get approximately 2 hours of free “har har har, we’ve completely won and undone the investigations!!!” before everyone else in the universe has torn the memo to shreds and declared it one of the biggest, most dishonest and fabricated pieces of partisan bullshit to ever slide from Congress’s fetid gaping anus.
The memo will ultimately be revealed as an attempt to provide Trump with a justification for axing Rosenstein…or at least removing him from his oversight of Mueller…and Trump will do so (perhaps firing him or maybe demanding recusal), regardless of the fact that the sane portion of the universe is screaming bloody murder about the memo’s rank mendacity. He will then appoint a loyalist GOPer scumbag who immediately begins disassembling Mueller’s investigation…first and foremost by issuing a proclamation whittling the scope of the investigation down to a pinpoint.
White House lawyers are currently examining it
Ah, Kasowitz is on the case, what a relief !
if there’s people to be held accountable, then so be it,” Kelly said.
Sure are people to be held accountable: Traitor Trump for doing his best to derail the Russia investigation and ignoring their known intrusions into our election past and future, Ninny Nunes for trying to judge his own case, and Gen.‘Just following orders’ Kelly.
A one-sided presentation of cherry picked items without even subjecting this for routine evaluation to see if it outs sources or methods is not ‘letting chips fall where they may’ but rather the slip-shod fried Banana Republuc behavior we have come to expect from this administration.
Sycophants do quite well in the military. They tend to rise through the ranks faster than more independent members. Kelly’s actions since joining team trump might be indicative of that trait, but there may be some other reason for a General to join a traitorous bunch of politicians. What’s in it for Kelly? Any previous thought that he was doing this from a sense of duty - being the adult in the room to keep trump in check - has certainly gone out the window. While the military has long been on the forefront of civil rights, there certainly are racists in the ranks. But it is simply not tolerated by the institution. Is his racism and fear of immigrants enough to make him throw away his reputation? I wouldn’t think so, but maybe.
I suspect there is some other reason he’s carrying trump’s water. Maybe he and Flynn had something cooked up… Is McMaster in on it, too? And why all the Generals?