If his health is so good, he doesn’t need to wait for Hillary.
Show us today how healthy you are, Donald!
Does Trump actually have any real health records, or would we get more nonsense from a tame gastroenterologist?
My guess would be the latter…
Or else, we would get a faked version, courtesy of his big buddy Vlad and the forgers in Moscow
Fix the sentence: tax records or medical records?
Clinton has released BOTH.
Two things from my perspective.
He would definitely pull the kindergarten trick of letting Hillary release hers, then renege (think: Lucy, football, Charlie Brown).
He also thinks that all those undereducated, old white males who support him will be grossed out and scared away by the “M” word in Hillary’s file: “menopause”. Because, eeeeeeeewwww! (Donnie dumped his ex-wives before the M-word, which is why Melania’s days are numbered…) There is still a stigma attached, sad to say.
BeattyCat’s Response: I think that both candidates, Hillary and Donald, should release a decade of detailed tax records. Hillary has already proven she has no problem in doing so! Donald?
Didn’t his doctor say that Trump is “positive” on every test, or something equivalent?
Why isn’t this information disqualifying by itself?
How many diseases does he have??
Donald Trump on Sunday evening published a tweet calling on Hillary Clinton to release her tax returns, saying he would release his records as well.
When a writer can’t get the lede right, there’s definitely something wrong. ADHD perhaps?
ETA: I see it’s been changed – two hours in.
I think if he is so confident in his health he should submit to a independent review and physical to include a mental health evaluation.
Taxes first. Taxes first. Taxes first.
I think this proves that Donald Trump is playing without a full deck. Two days after his own medical disclosure is confirmed as pathetic and ridiculous, Trump sends out a *tweet" challenging his opponent, who has already made more disclosure than he, to make “full disclosure” because otherwise his latest bullying conspiracy theory must be true. I think someone in the GOP and the Trump family need to conduct an intervention soon and have him committed.
News flash for Donald: You aren’t smart enough to play in her league. She’ll simply say she’s released all the information Presidential candidates customarily give out and you haven’t. She’ll say she has nothing to prove and you do. You’re not smart enough to box her in, you’re not smart enough to know you’re not smart enough, and you’re too crazy to see your own vulnerability. You’re a walking target-rich environment, you stupid oaf.
The eight people who swap out the Trump Disguise should really compare notes on what each other has done and said if they want to convince people that this is all coming from a single, sane individual.
Trump has released next to nothing. Tax returns and a note from his doctor that sounds like he wrote it. Just saying. Glass houses and all of that.
Health Records/Tax Records be careful what you wish for Velcro Donald.
How many STD and HIV test did Trump take----while he was a married man? Complete medical records would show the answer.
Taxes. Taxes taxes. Taxes taxes taxes. Taxes taxes taxes taxes.
Even if Clinton is suffering from every condition that these guys can find on Google, she is still smarter and better qualified than Trump.
“Donald Trump on Sunday evening published a tweet calling on Hillary Clinton to release her tax returns, saying he would release his records as well.”
Ah, the wish is father (or mother, if you prefer) to the words.