Bush having fun on the campaign trail? Really. He looks to me like he’s experiencing prep day for a colonoscopy. Someone put him out of his misery. Give him a nice cushy job on a board of something, what he really wants, and where he can do limited harm.
Those 25 percent are going to vote Democratic.
........ What other choice do they have?
The tone deaf, head up he a$$ “establishment” thinking that put another Bush in the running is proof positive that the GOP has lost all their marbles. Behold the outcome of living inside the right wing bubble.
It was fun watching Fox News gleefully proclaim Trump and Carson “tied” in polling all last week as if Trump’s halo was fading. Like everyting else on Fox News it was concocted soley to push their narrative.
True, we should never rule out the idea that he might very well run third party. String enough minor and/or imagined slights together and I can see Trump deciding to not only teach the party a lesson, but also raise his profile by getting himself on that debate stage with HRC and the GOP nominee.
Or, they’re going to stay home.
If he is relegated to the kiddie table, his only choice will be withdrawal.
I’m calling a bookie and betting on “none of the above” to win the gooper nomination.
Has anyone noticed that Donald Trump’s hair seems to be going from a weird pale orange to gray hair (with a touch of green)? Maybe it’s just the variation in photos but I suggest looking at articles over the last several months.
At 25% undecided, I’d say none of the above is in the running.
I seriously doubt Trump is going to go to a convention to back another candidate. He has way too much ego for that. Just like he would never accept a VP offer.
Folks, it’s a long way to the nomination, and JEB! BUSH has the financial support of the GOP leadership. I suspect he’s not going anywhere. All of the GOP clowns revolt me, so I don’t really care who they nominate. Besides, not one of them is electable.
He can’t resign, as he doesn’t have a position to resign from. He might drop out, but I doubt it.
The powers that be have decided he is their golden boy, and just like Mittens, once the primaries start, he will be abetted into the nomination.
Sadly, that’s true!
So JEB? doesn’t have the right “stuff”? " I guess stuff doesn’t happen sometimes, despite money and connections.
But Trump the frontrunner is running tied with “don’t know” who to choose. That means all the rest are losing to indecision or revulsion at the choices. Can Trump pick up the numbers from those who drop out, or will he lose them to “don’t know”?
Let’s have a moment of silence for what’s left of the GOP – mah, go ahead and laugh.
For right now it looks like all the money that JEB ! raised will do him about as much good as if it was from the island of Yap. Easy to confuse with cement slippers.
(Apologies for posting this again from the Jeb “Stuff Happens” thread, but it seems more appropriate here…)
My big fear now that Walker is out?..that Rubio is going to be the nominee. If Sanders wins the D nomination, it will be the inverse of 2008: a young, energetic minority (hence “exciting”) candidate vs an old man tilting at windmills.
Rubio is a -very- dangerous candidate now that Walker is gone and Jeb (sorry, Jeb!) is starting to self-destruct. Rubio has just enough national political experience, but was also elected in the Tea Party wave, so best of both worlds there. The former also allows him to placate the fat-cats and so he should be able to access the insider funds easily should Jeb bow out. Finally, his minority status will be viewed as groundbreaking (“First Latino President!”) and hence his actual policies (which of course are utterly retrograde) will be ignored. This could also pull some Latino votes away from Ds.
Worst of all, folks think he has foreign policy cred. This is a dangerously successful topic for an insurgent candidate because foreign chaos can keep the fear level high while proposed solutions are unfalsifiable: “Of course Obama’s policy in Syria has failed, because he didn’t bomb, invade, provide money, etc. [pick one or all] enough! I will bomb just the right amount, see, to kill all of our enemies and none of our friends. How do I know?..Well, how you do NOT know that it can’t be done, eh? Only one way to find out, you know…” Foreign affairs are the perfect campaign issue for Republicans because it allows them to avoid having to defend their morally indefensible economic policies while allowing them to sound sagely critical (i.e., “presidential”).
When Rubio is in his groove, he can do the “foreign defense hawk” act well. For these reasons, I think Clinton is a better match-up against Rubio than Sanders (even if I don’t really find her as inspiring…)
he will drop out of the race before then.
they aren’t in control of the ‘car’. Now if Lewandowski was working with Jeb, maybe Bush would have a fighter’s chance at a win.
right now?
not even sure
John Bush the Acronym aka ¿Jeb? is spiraling downward at about 2% every two weeks.
His pro-gun massacre comments showed the astounding levels of idiocy and ignorance characteristic of his brother Goerge Bush the Dimmer. He was nonchalant about the loss of young American lives and the human toll. Conservatives are already questioning John’s qualifications and temperament to be president.
I am beginning to wonder whether George Bush the Poppy and Barbara Bush ever or “Rarely is the question asked. Is our children learning?”
Jeb:(…they could try that.