Look at that photo of these two.
Pense looks as if he’s going to cry. And trumpet looks like he just swallowed the very bitter pill. “this isn’t fun anymore”
Look at that photo of these two.
Pense looks as if he’s going to cry. And trumpet looks like he just swallowed the very bitter pill. “this isn’t fun anymore”
Wow that brings back memories.
Trump University, Trump Financial…oh yeah, she’s the crook.
Get ready for a summer of half-assed “interjections” by the media whores before just moving on.
I doubt they were ever democrats and many of them had never voted before, so who cares!
I sure am suffering from it as an adult. The only attention I can seem to pay is to politics these days.
I am aging in reverse, just as Benjamin Button did, and my ADD is getting worse.
But at least candy keeps getting better and better.
And girls are becoming gross again.
You’re not the only one. Even among some sane Republican acquaintances of mine, they are concerned about the “two old white men” image (especially if the Dem ticket ends up being a woman and a young Hispanic)
TPM is helping other people get jobs, as 10,000 usually productive people see their output going down by double digits this year.
You don’t need ADD to be hooked.
When Trump uses the line "lying Hillary"why don’t these "interviewers"ask about his HUUUUUUGE lies about Thousands and thousands of Muslims demonstrating in Newark after 9/11 since there is no record of any such display?
So is Trump going to be with Pence on every interview so he can correct him and talk over him? Pence must want to be president really bad to put up with this kind of humiliation.
Cooties is a national problem. Get Vaccinated.
I you’re right in that there’s very definite sign of some mental breakdown or disease, but I don’t know if it’s ADD. I suspect he’s suffering from early onset dimentia, the sudden outbursts, the random phrases, relying on a very small subset of phrases, all things I’ve seen in a couple family members who went through it and it progressively got worse. Add to that the stress and pressures of running for office, let alone Presidency, having all your dirty laundy aired in public. He brushes a lot of it off, or appears to, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the man flat out breaks before November, particularly when it’s evident he’s lost.
If that’s true, I’m never shaking hands with trump, under any circumstances. Ewww.
I don’t know what he was thinking accepting. Any right thinking person (may have answered my own question) can see tying yourself to Trump spells death for a future role in American politics. He’ll can hop on the grift circuit certainly so maybe that was his thinking?
Makes having small hands an asset, for sure.
Well, Reagan won his 2nd election when already suffering from serious symptoms of dementia, so don’t get your hopes up that a few early signs of holes in the brain are going to stop Trump.
The sad part for him? This is probably the highwater mark as his term as VP candidate.
I can’t tell you how often over those 3+ decades-- that I, a gregarious type,
found myself publicly embarrassed by his lack of behavioral restraint.
My friend, like Trump, reasoned his way through his business failures.
He left collateral damage in his wake-- but not on the scale that Trump has.
I’m thankful he was graced with compassion and humility when his son was born.
He’s a much saner individual today.