Stahl tried to interject, but Trump continued to talk.
Of course he did.
Has a photo ever said “Sad Trombone” better?
The hapless Hoosier and the orange Hair-Thing.
Have they finally announced the date of the GOP funeral?
Its corpse is getting kinda ripe.
Slightly off topic, but sometime the oddest ideas come into my head and I thought to myself, What if?
Stephen Hawking adopted Donald Trump’s speaking style? (Using some of the Donald’s top 20 most frequently used words)
Well-come-to-my-ter-rif-ic yu-nee-verse; It-is-yuuge. I-have-the best-gam-ma-ray-bursts. And-fab-u-lous black-holes. A-ma-zing-black-holes. You-won’t-be-lieve-how-black-they are. The-Hawk-ing-ra-di-a-tion-Is-tre-men-dous.
I-won-a-bet-ab-out-the- black-hole-in-for-mat-tion-par-a-dox-with-Kip-Thorne. What-a-loser. But-all-I-got-was-a-stu-pid-Pent-house-sub-scrip-tion. And-I-did-not-even-get-to see-Mel-an-i-a-with-out-her-clothes-on.
And-that-mor-on, Leon-ard Suss-kind. He-has-low-mass-en-er-gy e-qui-va-lence. Ze-ro, ee-lec-tron-volts. Very-weak-sad.
Have-a-nice-day, folks.
Pence probably wishes he hadn’t signed up with this mental patient!
If not now, soon!
Pence could really be useful. I am going to tape 30 minutes of him talking, put it on a loop and use it as sleep aid.
Wow, the somniloquence is … Midwestern.
This world would ripe for alien conquest.
I love that Ralph. Even better than your Melanoma.
“But what about the negative side?” Stahl asked. But Trump jumped in.
In tag team wrestling,there is a sequence where one partner waits for a hot tag, as opposed to tagging oneself in. The reason being that it builds up suspense, as the goal is to get the crowd behind them.
“We’re different people,” Trump said. "I understand that. I’ll give you an example.
waits with baited breath
Hillary Clinton is a liar. Hillary Clinton, that was just proven last week. Hillary Clinton – you better believe it. Hillary Clinton is a crook."
Oh good gawd.
Nothing like seeing the TP ticket sitting on the throne.
Pence’s face tells me he is clearly trying not to shit his pants.
There are always these questions that contrast the things candidates said to distinguish themselves from the others with the sudden agreement on everything running mates discover they have. “Voodoo economics” comes to mind. But with Trump and the rest, you can assume their disdain for him was genuine, and the ones who wanted to run with him when he won are more than normally, shall we say, flexible in their convictions about right and wrong. Pence looks and sounds like a straightarrow, but he knows what Trump is and he’s putting his integrity in the safe-deposit box because he thinks there’s political capital in this move. SMH
They’re on a roll, I tell ya.
Is anyone really suprised by this. I thinkit is hysterical and I am loving every minute of it
Some people say (Hey it’s out there…) that the Donald is a narcissist. That may well be. I’m willing to entertain that hypothesis, though I’m not certain. But, here’s another one, because in my case, it takes one to know one. I’ve battled with ADHD as a child and ADD as an adult. I’m starting to entertain the possibilty that in addition to narcissism, he’s also an ADD sufferer. There’s a lot of signs, interrupting is one of them, acting out, periodic depression, inability to focus, etc.
I think this little vignette encapsulates Josh’s dominant theory of politics as regards to Trump.
Reporter brings up Pence’s essay expressing opposition to negative campaigning. And, the next thing that happens is Trump interrupts to lob gratuitous insults at Hillary.
Showing Pence and the world who’s in charge…like an insecure little boy.