bated, unless you’re talking about people who have just eaten sushi
This is all true. Pence has put his Christian slogans and faux Christianity on hold so he could partner up with trump. They have almost nothing in common, barely met before T made the announcement, and don’t get me started on the difference between the wives. One’s a former schoolteacher who markets “Towel Charms” for families to know which towel belongs to which family member. Melanjia markets herself including her body parts.
@inversion These two make the oddest couple ever. Pence the evangelist who prays with a group of men regularly, took his one and only wife ice skating on their first date. Trump the hedonist who met his third wife at Manhattan fashion-week party and refers to holy communion as the “little wine” and the “little cracker.” It’s only going to get better.
Squid or trump
fake crab or Trump
Don’t know about him having ADD but it does seem possible. Speaking of his narcissism, here’s another article on him that came out the other day on that subject and its a good history of his background as well:
So he wrote the essay a long time ago. Does that mean he’s abandoned all principle since then?
I think we gave our answer.
It’s the kind of play he did all the time where you know something bad is coming, but they woud play the music against type, it’s the joke that “Bambi Meets Godzilla” is referencing. He pretty much did it his whole career, to me it’s a signature thing. He said it helped to soften the horror.
Nailed it!!! Except Thing 1 should have flaming orange hair!
One Pence ad featured a man in a tacky robe with a thick Arab accent thanking [his Democratic opponent Phil] Sharp for his support of foreign oil. Some still maintain that the ad starred Pence himself, and its lost footage has become a sort of Ark of the Covenant in Indiana politics.
According to that Mother Jones article, that was a particular reason as to why Pence suddenly saw the ‘light’.
Trump Can't Help But Interrupt In First Joint Interview With Pence
I would have so much respect for Pence if he said, “Fuck this shit” (or the Christian evangelical equivalent), unclipped his microphone, and walked off the set and off the Republican ticket.
Still wouldn’t vote for him for anything, though, but I’d respect him.
In Baton Rouge, several police officers shot, 2 dead.
Yeah, I saw that. And it does seem plausible, however, I just think Trump’s crazier than a pickled orange wombat.
When you have no comprehensible platform you attack
Yeah, wasn’t that just perfect?!!
What were Pence’s prospects in the gubernatorial race he just backed out of? Was he expected to win?
Pence has joined the Trump crowd, sacrificed all principles and joined the bigotry of the GOP with their leader Trump.
one of a few things that is still keeping Trump in the race.
Sounds like a job for Indiana Jones.
I believe he’s very unpopular in Indiana at the moment. It could be why he decided to join the ticket - although if he has any intentions of continuing his political career I think he’s going to regret that choice.
But then again,mwe’re talking the GOP, so perhaps not.
Get used to the interruptions dude, and go fetch some McCrap. Trump knows very well how to treat subordinates. The trick is for subordinates to learn how to treat their somewhat peculiar boss.
There’s a predictable dynamic which is going to unfold, probably quite soon. Trump is going to use Pence as a punching bag to cover up his own faults. When a problem arises, Trump is going to push the criticism back to Pence. For example, “You know, Mike Pence is the guy who really supported the Iraq war. You’re lucky that at least one anti-war candidate was able to make it onto a ticket. Look at Crooked Hillary, who supported the Iraq war from the beginning and even lied to make it happen.”
Or, “Look, I am definitely pro-life. If I weren’t pro-life do you think I would have picked a guy like Mike Pence to be my running mate? Mike’s a great guy, and I love having him on the ticket—and I LOVE that he speaks to the pro-life crowd while I attack Crooked Hillary”.
Want to bet against me on this One11?1111!!!one1!?