Discussion: Trump Cancels Labor Department Event Following Congressional Shooting

Has the Mayor of London sent a Tweet yet?

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Now he can hit the links


Hopefully it will be something like, “Trump, when are you going to get serious about terrorism in your country? Sad!”


In Republican dogma (as ghost written by the NRA) this is nothing more than a Constitutional Escalation of a Political Conversation. In the future envisioned by the Republican Party, acts like this will be the norm. This is the logical outcome of their policy vision.

Bosch in the age of Trump.


President Trump canceled his Labor Department event:

He will

  1. Visit the hospital and comfort the wounded, insisting that no photographs be taken to keep the focus on the victims
  2. Visit the hospital and comfort the wounded, insisting that many photographs be taken to keep the focus on him
  3. Watch Fox news coverage while eating chocolate cake at the White House
  4. Consult with Bannon to determine if this is a “false flag” event designed by the Intelligence Community to make him look bad
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Trump monitoring events? Not serious. There is nothing for him to monitor. He was assuming it was a politically motivated assassination attemp and that he could use it like Hitler did the Reichstag fire. Plotting to do that, rather than “wasting his time” with federal employees.

But a lot of Labor Department employees who were being dragooned into papering the audience are feeling great relief that they won’t have this command performance to attend this afternoon. .

Trump canceled a speech—proving that even a tragedy has an unexpected upside.


I am pretty sure, he is doing his “Round up the usual Muslim Suspects!”-routine right now… “Leaders gotta lead”

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Reports that he was a Bernie supporter, angry T Trump and R Congress