Discussion: Trump Cancels In-Person Interview With Katie Couric

Discussion for article #243561

How can a guy who says he’s really smart with a YUGGGGE memory and leading so far in the polls be scared of Lil’ Katie?


This can not be too suprising. Little Donnie Trump, better known as “Hitler on the Hudson” might get asked a really tough question like, What do you read? If he were to answer honestly he would likely have to say, "You know, all of them, Mien Kumpf and Government for Dummies. "


Let’s not forget that the Couric interview was the beginning of the end for Palin/What’s-his-name in 2008. No wonder the Furor is running scared.




And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read?


Trump: I had to cancel Couric as I need to call Palin about how to answer “What do you read?”.


too busy trying to cram the bible, torah and qu’ran and then having someone explain it to him…

Plain and simple, underneath all of the bravado Trump is a chicken shit.


Because he’s an unvarnished fraud? I’m just spitballing here…pro tip: don’t believe what The Libidinous Visitor says (or tweets); listen carefully to his words, then walk away, quickly. He’s a pure example of American stupidity, bigotry and insecurity. He’s just the biggest clown in the car right now.


People have been so mean to him today, I think the poor dear simply wants to kick back at home and get totally plastered on whatever drinks and/or substances he prefers.

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Two words: Sarah Palin.


That’s odd: I’m sure he can see thousands of Muslims from his front porch.


I know this has been said plenty of times already, but I think we’re witnessing the beginning of the slow decline of the Trump candidacy. He won’t be truly gone for several months, but I think he’s hit his high-water mark. Cruz has already picked up a large portion of Carson’s support, and he’s now in a good position to pick up Trump’s supporters, as long as he can keep from going after Trump directly.

He’s deliberately trying to tap into the lingering Teatroll resentment over the Jabberwocky Barbie interview. That’s all this is. The minute anyone starts complaining, he’ll reference it in some fashion and complain about expecting “gotcha questions.”


Great. Now, we get to listen to another round of dumping on Liberal Katie Couric. The only time she is a liberal is when she asks another softball question that they don’t like because they’re too stupid to answer and so they label it “a gotcha question”.
She’s otherwise about as liberal as millque toast.


I don’t know that anyone is sure of Trump’s rationale on anything.


This cancellation is loaded with politically symbolism. It is a very crafty move by Donald Trump. The cancellation sends a strong signal to all of the Republican base who vividly remember Katie Couric’s historic interview with former part-tern Alaska governor and Fox New Journalist Sarah Palin, Peace Be Upon Her.


Trump is probably recalling Couric’s infamous interview with Bob Dole back in the 1996 campaign. Dole was actually doing pretty well right up to the time when he and his wife Libby interviewed Couric on the CBS Morning News. The interview got off to a good, general discussion which continued in a friendly manner until Dole said something and Couric just good-naturedly asked a open-ended, non-directed question following up on Dole’s comment. Couric didn’t seem to be looking for anything with the question other than to keep the interview going. Dole’s response ripped the lid off a can of snakes and viewers could see Libby digging her hand into Dole’s thigh trying to warn him to “just shut up for Christ’s sake, stop talking, and SHUT UP!” Dole rattled on like a machine gun, taking down his campaign with every word. The Republicans have blamed Couric ever since, when it was Dole himself who torpedoed his campaign.