Discussion: Trump Campaigns With Families Of Victims Killed By Undocumented Immigrants (VIDEO)

Oh, geez, it felt so spontaneous.

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Take it easy now.

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Oh, funny.

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Welcome to the 21st century. You may not have noticed.

If you are a LEGAL immigrant, and not an ILLEGAL ALIEN,
the Trump Administration will bring opportunities that America
USED TO provide. You know, like GOOD PAYING JOBS?
If you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN, which makes you a CRIMINAL,
and a virtual INVADER, you are going to be hunted down, like the dogs that you are, arrested, incarcerated, and returned to
the cesspools from which you crawled.

Yes, it’s going to be Springtime for Hitler, all right. Can’t wait.

(BTW, being an immigrant without documentation is not a crime. Look it up.)

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You haven’t been watching much of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson then. Puh-lease.

What about crossing the border without going through customs ? There’s a reason it’s called ILLEGAL immigration.

I fail to see how this is an argument why a SOVEREIGN country shouldn’t protect its borders and enforce its immigration laws. I believe it’s what Mexico does. It’s a shame that anyone would have to point out only the bad apples to get people to recognize this need. Do you allow your neighbors complete access to your home and resources without asking as long as they are nice about it?

You’re right. All conquered lands should just be returned to the original owners going all the way back to the beginning of time. Then no one would own any land and we’d have no countries and it would be a perfect utopia where we all sat in campfire circles singing Kumbaya. By the way, there’s nothing anyone today can do about what some douches 200 years ago did, and it certainly doesn’t provide reasoning for lawless acts of aggression today. Let it go man.

I know right? It’s all those evil white guys that are the real danger. Do some homework. Here’s your assignment. Read this

Oh, and we’ve got another one! The dullards really do come out of the woodwork, don’t they? It’s going to be a long slog from here to November.

Don’t waste your time, folks. These are zealots, people who are virtually fact-proof.


Maybe, but I’m beginning to think that TPM is being targeted by one of those paid-commenter / rent-a-troll agencies - probably hired by some PAC affiliated with Trump, Cruz, or the RNC.

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You may be right. There seems to be a lot of copy-and-paste going on, which is usually a “tell.”


This is almost comically inept. Do you honestly expect anyone here to believe Fox News? They’re a right-wing propaganda organization run by a Republican strategist who served as Nixon’s Executive Producer for Television.

It’s like citing Völkischer Beobachter as a source for the real facts on early 20th C. Germany.

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However you fail to say that all of these people were either under the care of a psychiatrist or had participated in a government mind control program. FYI the first University that the Communists had undermined was in Vienna now called Sigmund “Fraud” Psychiatric University it expanded to other Colleges, Schools and Universities from there. They had trained groups of people in Pavlov’s Theory. Then paid their tuition to attend the Universities so they would advance and become teaching professors themselves. Yes, Pavlov had been ordered to experiment on people it’s how the Soviets learned how to brainwash all for the purpose of expanding Communism. It’s concepts filtered out to other high profile Universities throughout the world Dr. Spock is a fine example of this domino effect.

first source

second source

Third source

Fourth source

and here’s more information



I think that more people are beginning to see the Big Con that the Democratic Party has been delivering. Some of us have not bought it. Some are just unable to see beyond the end of their nose.

Yeah, that reason is called right-wing propaganda. It’s not called illegal immigration by the ICE, Border Patrol, or statute.

You are SO right! Between the smallpox-covered blankets that were purposely given to the N.A.'s , all of the whites who just HAD to have a Native American’s scalp hanging in their drawing rooms, and the whites who raped and/or just took off with one of their girls, I think you’ve got it all covered.( I could provide links to prove all these things, but if you care to, do your own research like I did!)

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