Discussion: Trump Campaigns With Families Of Victims Killed By Undocumented Immigrants (VIDEO)

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s called The Big Con. Because what Obama did, which is WIDELY KNOWN by EVERYONE who is SENTIENT, is that Obama changed the definition of “deport”. Try to keep up, PLEASE. It’s embarrassing to read such drivel as you are posting.

From the LA Times:

"SHINGTON — Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the “deporter in chief” and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats.

But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009.

On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency’s deportation statistics."

Everyone knows this. EVERYONE, except you. Probably because your head is in a smelly place.

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LOL! Look everyone, someone ate his Wheaties‍™ this morning.

So … you’re complaining that a) the Border Patrol is doing a better job under Obama than his Conservative predecessors, and b) that the deportations aren’t real deportations because they’re not happening where you think they should be happening.

You know that’s bonkers, right?

I’d have thought people opposed to immigration would be happy that the deportations are taking place near the borders, before undocumented immigrants get very far into the country. But then I’ve never understood Conservative nonsense - I guess I just lack the paranoid schizophrenic mindset required to think/hallucinate that way.

In any case, we have a million less undocumented immigrants in the country than when Bush left office.

Sounds to me like the real issue you have with President Obama is that he’s been more effective at reducing the number of undocumented immigrants in this country than any Republican. You’re just pissed that what President Obama is doing works.

If you are really that upset about undocumented immigrants, take a look at this, from Linda Greenhouse at NYTimes:

But very little in immigration law is straightforward, starting with the fact that while there are an estimated 11 million unauthorized immigrants in the country, Congress annually appropriates only enough money to deport a few hundred thousand.

Hey, aren’t both branches of Congress controlled by Republicans?

Maybe you should talk to them about allocating more money for deportations. Because, right now, it looks like Republicans are creating the conditions that limit deportation, then blaming it on the President.

And the President, I’ll remind you, has spent every penny of the very little Republicans allocate for the removal of undocumented immigrants on its intended purpose - as shown by the million fewer undocumented immigrants in the country since he took office.

Now, I don’t entirely agree with the emphasis President Obama placed on removing unauthorized immigrants, but for you to act like he hasn’t done anything about it, or that his actions have been ineffective, is just flat-out mendacity.


For that matter, I’m going to bet there have been more people killed by wealthy trust fund heirs a la Trump (e.g. Lucius Hamilton III, Robert Durst, Christine Paolilla, etc.) in recent years than by illegal immigrants. Now that would make an interesting campaign rally.

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Can you source this claim? He’s been in business for 31 years - with 4 bankruptcies.

Hm. Your claim is as exaggerated as the rest of the internet analysts.

Your post is pretty much watered down.

I’m not a republican but I’m sure as H-E-DOUBLE-L not a democrat either.

You do realize that ‘removal at the borders’ are higher because there are more people than ever trying to sneak in, right? But overall, deportations ARE down under Obama.

Overall, some US colleges ARE offering ‘in-state’ tuition fees for people who are entering our country without background checks and health-screens. SERIOUSLY? Who is ok with that?? Refugees and illegal aliens receive more aid than US citizens. People who COULD be ‘rapists’ or murderers or pedophiles. YOU don’t know if they are because our GOVERNMENT doesn’t know…we don’t know who the heck is entering our country. And people like you downplay it as if it’s nothing. You scream about the rule of law when it’s important but call ‘bigotry’ when we demand the borders be enforced and immigration policies be followed. THAT is rich.

Tell you what…if you tell me that you leave your home unlocked and allow random strangers to come and go as they please, using your resources, then I’ll back off. Until then, ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION FOLKS ARE RIGHT AND MORAL. That’s why no one bats an eye when Canada disallows Americans with DUIs from entering their country…it’s their sovereign right and responsibility to protect its citizens. But we can’t do that SINCE NO BACKGROUND CHECKS ARE BEING DONE. It’s amazing that there are that many stupid people out there that don’t understand that. They confuse immigration will illegal immigrants. Low IQs I guess.

I also love it when Trump said to temporarily ban Muslims from entering - The very next day the US government passed legislation by Candice Miller which placed greater restrictions traveling from specific countries. What do those countries have in common? They’re all Islamic based.

I also love it when ‘liberals’ defend Islam at every single opportunity, while Saudi Arabia and every other Islamic country punish and kill gay people. When they subjugate women. Those behaviors are antithetical to the liberal ‘ideology’. I also love it when liberals scream about separation of church and state (which I 150% agree with and am thankful for), but then go on to defend Islamic countries whose religion IS the government. LOL It’s this Islamic law/government that sees the carrying out of apostasy. That elderly poet and teenage bloggers who were beheaded over the last year, for their writings? Yea, that’s REALLY in line with liberal’s supposed ideologies.

That was a big rant heh.

And there are more black people killed every 7 months by other blacks than the kkk did in their entire history. But that’s ‘bigoted’ to bring up.

It’s also bigoted to mention that 13% of the population commits as much murder as 63% of the population. That’s a literally insanely skewed statistic.

Oh silly me…facts aren’t bigoted.

Wrong. http://cis.org/ImmigrantCrime

1 - The issue is people sneaking across the border in the dead of night with no background checks or health-screens. No records, no documentation, nothing. YOU don’t know which of them are rapists or the worst human being walking the face of the Earth…the US government DOESN’T know per your own comment. You can’t keep tabs on people if you don’t know who they are or where they’re coming from…they’re ghosts.

2 - Do you leave your home unlocked letting random people come and go as they please using your resources, letting them hang out with your kids because “immigrant populations are more law-abiding”? LOL I’m betting NO. By the way buddy, does that ‘immigrant’ population study focus on legal immigrants? Because again - http://cis.org/ImmigrantCrime

You are starting with inaccurate information. So, the last question you posed is merit-less.

Whites are 63% of the population, but blacks commits AS MUCH MURDER as a population of 63% whites, but blacks are only 13% of the population. That’s not racist, that is a fact. But illegal aliens? I don’t care how many Americans are in prison for murder…those are Americans. We have enough problems to deal with let alone letting millions of people sneaking across the border, using our resources, using our infrastructure on and on and on.

Um, what about the violent people smashing police cars, beating up teenagers in school bathrooms for supporting Trump, wearing t-shirts that say ‘vote trump get jumped’, macing children, intimidating FAMILIES attending Trump rallies? Rap songs saying ‘eff’ Trump, people talking about assassinating him?

Have you SEEN interviews with people in inner cities discussing politics? Some actually thought that Obama is running for a 3rd term. You are experiencing cognitive dissonance because you naturally think that since you are a democrat (or liberal), then all others are intelligent. But clearly you have not had discussions with many people who vote Democrats because of identity politics. They are dumber than rocks. As a whole, I DO NOT SEE REPUBLICANS GANGING UP ON FAMILIES AT POLITICAL RALLIES. I do not see Republicans ganging up and harassing Clinton or Sanders voters. Your side is the violent one…and you stoke the fires by going into a rally and intentionally trying to disrupt it. What do you think would happen? Trump rallies are 30,000+ yet there have been zero major incidents, despite the agitators (because they have ZERO idea of what they’re protesting). Why is it ok to say that Trump isn’t getting black people’s votes in an attempt to discredit him, while ignoring that Sanders is losing all of them to Hillary? Does that make Sanders a bigot?

I’m sure this will make everyone feel warm and fuzzy. Don’t believe the propaganda.


Oh, look, we’ve got someone who’s getting his “facts” from FoxNews, and we all know what that means.



Oh, geez, it felt so spontaneous.

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Take it easy now.

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Oh, funny.

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Welcome to the 21st century. You may not have noticed.

If you are a LEGAL immigrant, and not an ILLEGAL ALIEN,
the Trump Administration will bring opportunities that America
USED TO provide. You know, like GOOD PAYING JOBS?
If you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN, which makes you a CRIMINAL,
and a virtual INVADER, you are going to be hunted down, like the dogs that you are, arrested, incarcerated, and returned to
the cesspools from which you crawled.

Yes, it’s going to be Springtime for Hitler, all right. Can’t wait.

(BTW, being an immigrant without documentation is not a crime. Look it up.)

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You haven’t been watching much of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson then. Puh-lease.

What about crossing the border without going through customs ? There’s a reason it’s called ILLEGAL immigration.

I fail to see how this is an argument why a SOVEREIGN country shouldn’t protect its borders and enforce its immigration laws. I believe it’s what Mexico does. It’s a shame that anyone would have to point out only the bad apples to get people to recognize this need. Do you allow your neighbors complete access to your home and resources without asking as long as they are nice about it?

You’re right. All conquered lands should just be returned to the original owners going all the way back to the beginning of time. Then no one would own any land and we’d have no countries and it would be a perfect utopia where we all sat in campfire circles singing Kumbaya. By the way, there’s nothing anyone today can do about what some douches 200 years ago did, and it certainly doesn’t provide reasoning for lawless acts of aggression today. Let it go man.

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