And he is going to keep firing people until those poll results change.
And you know what - it is going to work.
Kill the messengers…
Don’t like results? Demean, discount or fire those who deliver those results. Psychopathy.
Baghdad Bob Consulting Services is available. He is always very optimistic about his paymaster’s prospects.
You gotta know Trump is dying in envy of his boyfriend in North Korea who gets to execute staff who bring him bad news.
It’s becoming clear that he won’t accept the results of the 2020 election if he loses.
If you fire Pollsters who tell the truth the truth becomes a lie and a lie becomes the truth.
Trump becomes America’s favorite son and the world is at peace because the most worthless POS in the history of our country continues to live a lie and his base can only smile.
You gotta fire them. Those leaks could burst the protective bubble separating Individual 1 from reality.
He probably won’t. But after a short stand off, US Marshals and/or the Secret Service will eventually lure him out of the White House with a Big Mac, fries, and a diet coke.
There was a tweet a year ago in which Trump spoke of his “unfettered power to fire anyone”…
If this continues, Trump will have surrounded himself entirely with brown-nosing sycophants.
Shit. We’re going to war for sure. It’s all he’s got.
“These poll results are treason. Treason I tell you. Treason.”
Donald in January 2020.
Trump insisted to ABC News reporter George Stephanopoulos last week that the poll didn’t exist. Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale admitted on Friday that the poll was real but also “ancient,” and that the campaign’s seen “huge swings” since March.
Ok, fellas. First rule of lying is just make up one lie and stick too it. Too many lies -like to many chefs -spoils the soup. Sheesh. For people who lie all the true, how can they be so bad at it? I suppose it’s to make all of us either numb to or accomplices to it.
I think John Miller and John Barron are available. I’m sure they’d give #patheticpotus the numbers he wants.
I’m confused. If the polls don’t mean anything, why does it matter whether they were leaked?
Why would it even really matter; it’s still early! We’re still in primary season!
Damn, these people are so thin-skinned that they are getting so worked up over a poll that really means shit at this point. And lets all be real; they don’t mean too much because so much can happen between now and when an actual Democratic nominee is ultimately chosen.
Reports that the emperor is naked are Fake News!
Stupid is as stupid does. It was a fake poll, old poll, wrong poll, meaningless poll, all the other polls are wrong poll. All polls are bad for Trump now that he is losing ground. So the solution is to fire the pollster and hire someone to stroke the candidate’s ego. I dunno maybe it works?
I am hoping they subdue him with a dart gun.
The problem with any lie is that it is naked. Truth is wrapped in facts, but a lie when exposed to the elements only has other naked lies for comfort.