Misogyny sells.
Hey, if you’re gonna steal, go whole hog… :-}
Look at the film “Nixon” with Anthony Hopkins. Imagine Trump going through a press conference like the one Nixon raged against after he went to it expecting accolades. I don’t mind being the one-note-tony here at TPM.
The PRESS hounded Nixon. It is NOT hounding Trump
I wish I had more “likes.” Can’t you hear him now? “I’ll fight you standing on one leg! I’ll fight you with both hands tied behind my back!!” And runs away when confronted with a real threat. Just perfection, my friend.
Now, we’re finally getting somewhere. Trump is the most treasonous American “politician” of my lifetime.
Keep it up, Sec. Clinton.
Hillary Clinton’s comments today accusing Mr. Trump of treason are beyond the pale, but Mr. Trump’s comments accusing Clinton and Obama of being the co-founders of ISIL is the mark of a true patriot.
Since football season is cranking up:
Hit 'em again!
Hit 'em again!
The problem with identity politics is that not all of the class-action folks fall in line. BEFORE this era…back when the March on Washington in 1963 was held, there was just NEED, not spin. Minorities were so far behind, perhaps the white press did not feel as threatened by them…or maybe Rather was right (that we HAD a Fourth Estate).
In any event there were less Michael Steeles and more Whitney Youngs. I mention Young because many African Americans who were more militant hated Young, calling his Urban League a “sellout”.
But the journalistic and political landscape was much different then. The possibilities for people to smilingly, willingly, compulsively and condescendingly vote against their own interests have never been greater and more SPECTACULAR
Hillary should use the words treason and traitor without specifically naming Trump the same way he does when he talks about her being assassinated.
Pence has already said the Darth Cheney is his role model for VP.
I’ve been thinking about this for a few weeks now, and I think this from Hillary has finally made up my mind.
Rope-a-dope. That’s what she needs to do to beat Trump. Actually, to let Trump beat himself. Between now and the last debate, she’s going to keep needling him, goading him into more and more outrageous, obnoxious behavior, until he’s swinging at her with everything the thin-skinned, short-fingered ambulatory Cheeto has. He’s too petty to exert any discipline over himself, which makes him easy to control. Stick to a positive message, sure, but keep Donny on a not so low boil until he starts scaring everyone who’s not one of his frogs. Then let them boil with him.
Which is another reason why Cheney should have been indicted and jailed by now.
Who said anything about treason?
Seriously HRC getting much better at this. His campaign is the one that said the “t” word. She actually managed this better than “deplorables” - although his campaign missed he ball by not focusing on “irredeemable,” in my opinion (the views are deplorable, but people can change and are capable of redeeming themselves). Now, if media does their job, there should be a lot of discussion regarding whether trumps actions are treasonous.
After all, he’s the one who just said it.
Sounds like Trump has a “problem” with his hired press PR tweeters.
…and all this time I thought it was GW’s invasion of Iraq that created ISIS…thanks Trumplethinskin
Well, he did call for a foreign power to conduct cyber espionage in his own country.
Trump would take issue only with the lowly rank of sergeant.
If Christie frequented the chicken place Trump’s sunk…
Behave, Donald, or we’ll sic the Reverend on you again.
Clinton Accuse Trump of Treason: Dangerous Donald Trump is a Treasonous Traitor to Ameria with his Ties to Russia. Why is it that a lot of his campaign staff and surrogates are Russian and have Russian ties to Putin.