One yuuuuge grifting operation. His philosophy seems to be “Two for me, one for you. Three for me, one for you” and so on…
Wouldn’t be surprised if some the Democratic areas he’s now choosing to do his rallies are places where he owns property so he can stop by and use those places as a tax write-off or pay himself for providing refreshments and other accoutrements while nearby…and justify it later with the FEC. The guy is a total swindler.
It truly does look like The Donald is setting up to pocket the money. It would be a grift of historic proportions…
Any idea what the Cash-on-hand balances are for the two campaigns?
WOW. I am starting to believe that Donald Trump is much smarter than he looks. This is starting to look like a Megachurch where they get the money from the rubes and spend it through companies and charities that are linked to the Pastor’s family.
The difference is that the megachurches are selling you deliverance from evil for your next life. Trump is selling deliverance from dark people during this life. No wonder the smart GOP donors aren’t contributing to his campaign, Being of the same feather they can smell fraud for miles.
There are going to be many red-faced Trump supporters pretty soon. At least they can claim that they got a valuable lesson from Trump University of life.
Seems like that one ad the campaign ad was full of outright lies and half truths.
Smart as in smarter that the dumb fucks that buy into his shit, but not smart in being able to hold a real job.
“about half of the campaign’s $18.5 million in spending was vacuumed up by Giles-Parscale, a web design and marketing firm new to national politics, Federal Election Commission filings show. It’s a crossover vendor from Trump’s real estate organization.”
So he is basically funneling the money back in a company he controls ?
Why can’t he just let some 15 year old kids set up a webpage ? I hear about that all the time …
That’s exactly what will happen, but Trump’s campaign gets billed 8 million by a Trump allied company, which in turn will probably pay yuuuge consulting fees to Erik, Don Jr. & Ivanka.