Discussion: Trump Campaign Previews 2020 Spin: America Is 'Too Complex' For Polls


Shorter GOP: Don"t be surprised if the election results don’t match the polls.

Going to look really funny if that is more frequently the caee where ballots can be audited than where they can’t.


“The country is too complex now just to call a couple hundred people and ask them what they think,” Parscale told CBS News’ Major Garrett. “The way turnout now works — the abilities that we have to turnout voters — the polling can’t understand that.”

Is this going to be a repeat of 2012?

The 2016 polling, he said, “was 100% wrong.”

No they were accurate except they didn’t factor in a Treason With Russians fudge factor.


That happened in Mexico a lot up to the 90s, the official candidates were usually trailing in the polls and always won with 60+ % of the vote, until opposition parties got bored and didn’t even bother to field candidates.


“You may end up with a different math, but you’re entitled to your math, I’m entitled to THE math.”


Last night just as the moron in chief was unpacking the clown car in Orlando and the crowd had only begun shouting “Lock her up!”, the Orlando Sentinel which typically endorses repub nominees (with the exception of rMoney if I’m not mistaken) published this non endorsement, don’t even think about it, you looney POS

After 2½ years we’ve seen enough. Enough of the chaos, the division, the schoolyard insults, the self-aggrandizement, the corruption, and especially the lies.

So many lies — from white lies to whoppers — told out of ignorance, laziness, recklessness, expediency or opportunity.

Trump’s capacity for lying isn’t the surprise here, though the frequency is.

It’s the tolerance so many Americans have for it.

@mattinpa The Sentinel’s timing was impeccable. trumPP went to bed, if he ever does, thinking about it. So, come the light of day, psychotic paranoid lash out!


So make sure there’s no audit-able paper trail of the votes.


It’s not complicated…Trump’s currently behind.


America’s too complex for Trump, is how things really are, and it’s his ability to turn off voters, not turn them out, that’s going to be meaningful here. P.S. Gonna be a long 16 months, so pro tip: pay no attention to the noises coming out of this Parscale moron’s mouth and trying to find their way through his beard to the light of day. Waste of time.


The Trump campaign did not respond to TPM’s request for comment, but experts said they smelled puffery.


Once again, tRump campaign telegraphs their intentions.

Well, America, are you going to intercept the pass this time for a breakaway slam?

They will use every trick humanly possible. If Trump is not behind bars and/or has resigned, I believe that he will look at the “election” as a coronation

This is the occasion in which I wish that every American has spent at least six years in a dictatorship to understand what Trump is planning for us.

It was never that I did not trust Pelosi. What I am looking for is for Hearings of the sort resulting in Trump to be laid bare such that the even the GOP will lose Senate seats if they remain with Trump and he is so catastrophically weakened that the “election” , if his name in on the Ballot, would be a civic formality for the formality of the Republic.

If he evades exposure (and, therefore, Justice) and remains more or less in the BothSiderist U.S. political culture, I believe he will win.


Do. Not. Mention. trumpp’s. Behind. It’s gross. Add in the triple combover coming apart and it’s extra gross.


[quote=“ajm, post:2, topic:89095”]
Shorter GOP: Don"t be surprised if the election results don’t match the polls.
[/quote]Yep - trying to condition the people and the media so a big disparity in polling and vote totals is shrugged off, or just met with some concern and meek acceptance.

Hey, Democrats! We need a little more outrage over here, and the ability to sustain it for 17 months to the election and the ensuing 2 or 3 or 6 months when Trump and the complicit Republicans are fighting the results if it doesn’t go their way.


Or they could be getting people softened up for polls that say Trump loses in a big way and Trump ‘wins’ in a big way instead.


I don’t know why everybody’s so anxious to see some grand, deep strategery here. The polls are shit, Parscale isn’t half as smart as he thinks he is, and he has to give some sort of response.

If their polls were good, they would be saying “look at our good polls!”. They’re not. This cigar is more likely just a cigar.



Jeez. A ray of sanity breaking through what is frankly paranoia on a grand scale. The thrust of the article is polls and the maladministration portraying them now and going forward as unreliable, unbelievable, etc. Some of the communications were through tweets, but did no one read this:

But, Kondik [Kyle Kondik, managing editor of the University of Virginia-based polling newsletter Sabato’s Crystal Ball] predicted. there’s no landslide in Trump’s future, as Parscale forecast to CBS.

“Even if you assume that the polls are understating Trump’s support at a level commensurate with 2016,” he said, “even if you give Trump the benefit of the doubt in these polls, it’s still reflective of a competitive general election.”


I"m not usually like this but I don’t think Trump ‘won’ in 2016. I also question Cruz’s ‘win’ since in early voting machines were switching Beto votes to Cruz.

I think I’m a bit justified.


When Trump was ask about the polls, he wanted to know what Poland had to do with the election?