Discussion: Trump Campaign Manager Fumbles Through Searing Interview With Maddow (VIDEO)

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“People should look at the full measure of each of these candidates and not always judge—well, not just judge him by one or two things that he has said here,”

Trust us, we have looked at the full measure and it is coming up empty.


“Battleships turn slowly,” said Conway.

They also sometimes sink straight to the bottom. But this campaign is that rare case of a battleship blowing itself to bits.


“He put it in writing: a total and complete shutdown of Muslims
entering the United States. It was very clear. Is that now no longer
operable as the statement of the Trump campaign? Should we see this new
statement about countries with a history of exporting terrorism, should
we see that supplanting that earlier statement?” Maddow asked.

“Well, I don’t think it supplants it at all,” Conway replied.

“So they both exist?”

“I that that—well, yes, they do, because I think it clarifies it,” Conway said.

Holy Frijole! We open Schrodinger’s cat’s box every day and they close it right back up again.


And sometimes battleships run hard aground just as the tide starts going out and nobody will come to tow them off into deeper water because everyone thinks the battleship is stupid and crazy and would make an epically lousy President.


I started to watch last night, then I had a flashback and shuddered. I was in the training room of a cable company learning how to be a “customer service representative.” Ms Conway answers reminded me of the happy concerned babble in the script we were to memorize or read to people, saying nothing, apologizing but acknowledging no faults and solving nothing while making sure we up-sale to get the money.

I turned the channel.


This was great. Conway kept repeating that “People can look at our plans and have opinions about them” line. So when Maddow confronted her with the fact that the precedent for “extreme vetting” was found unconstitutional long ago, she Rubio-Robotically repeated the line and something like this flew out of her mouth: “Well, people can look at our plans and say, well, is that constitutional?” Not a very good open-question to leave hanging.


“Battleships turn slowly”
Come on, TPM headline writers----if the Trumpkin gives you the headline on a platter, use it!!


Hmmm…I’d sure be interested in knowing which numbers have turned around, 'cause I sure haven’t seen anything like that.

Oh, wait, snap! They are only polling the hidden Trump voters now. My bad.


I watched all of Rachel’s interview, and was not impressed with Conway
at all. Rachel let her get away with a lot of lies, dodges, and
nonsense. For instance, Conway repeatedly referred to Clinton’s low
favorability numbers, yet Rachel never reminded her that Trump’s are
even lower.


Kellyanne Conway is a value free, vile and manipulative disgrace who will do anything for money. I am sure that Donald Tramp will shortchange her for escorting him during his travel and for the other services she is providing.


Icebergs? There are no icebergs. And even if there are icebergs, that’s normal. So, yes, there are icebergs, but icebergs do not characterize this voyage. The cold seawater that’s up to my knees is the result of icebergs that do not concern us at all.


The name of that battleship…the S.S. Potemkin.


It’s more kind of like the observer effect: we ask a question and the effect of asking the question changes the answer accordingly. Hence no two answers (observations) are exactly identical.

(Also: I think Trump’s cat Schrodinger has already died a sad death by poisonous vitriole…)


Trump: Reality is just way too liberal. I am way too advanced and live in virtual reality. How dare a gay person ask my campaign any question not approved by FOX.


According to Ms. Conway the cat is both dead and alive, so no problem, but, Hillary Clinton… blah, blah, blah, eats fluffy little kittens, blah, blah…


Rachel is great, drawing all of this out from Kellyanne:

Germany + Trump + Terrorism + Battleship = There goes the Bismarck!


Every time Kellyanne Conway attacks HRC for one isolated statement, this gets reposted. Thanks Kellyanne!


I love Rachel Maddow.

Epic. Smackdown. Professional Journalism, folks.

(But it’s an epic smackdown only because of the interviewee and the bizarre campaign for which she works.)


I watched the entire interview last night and to my chagrin thought that Ms Conway did a phenomenal job for her candidate. Rachel, too, did a phenomenal job, Unfortunately, with Donnie-boy listening to Conway and being translated by her, Hillary can’t depend on his ignorant, ridiculous, hateful, and racist statements bringing her to the presidency.