Discussion for article #238984
““I would also point out that all of these things were done before Mr. Trump’s campaign, if I even did them — which I deny,” he added.”
LOLOLOLOLOL. Real rocket scientist there. Trump sure isn’t surrounding himself with the best and the brightest money can buy.
“I would also point out that all of these things were done before Mr. Trump’s campaign, if I even did them — which I deny,” he added.
Sounds plausible.
Hats off to Trump for his acumen in selecting top-shelf talent.
We posted the same thing at the same time - personal jinx!
I say great minds think alike, ours that is, not Trump’s. In his case, shallow, belligerent minds…
He seems confused. Marxist, socialist, fascist and Nazi in the same sentence unless he is lazy and cut and paste from the Fox Nation site.
For Pete’s sake! I’m running for president!
One of the all time great Romneyisms. It implies that it is ok to have the undocumented work for you unless you seek political office.
“They were offensive and they do not reflect Mr. Trump’s position and we take them very seriously,” [Trump campaign manager Corey] Lewandowski told CNN.
News flash, Lewandowski - offensive comments are the basic building block of the Trump campaign.
By “job on the line” I think they mean transferred to a different business unit and given a bonus. This is the Donald we are talking about.
There must be SHOCK and OUTRAGE at Trump Headquarters,Sam got caught and outed.OH MY.He had one and still lost Donald as we see.
"Show me someone without an ego, and I’ll show you a loser.
Donald Trump, "
One would think that a business “mogul” like Drumpf would have heard of “due diligence” before a hire.
if I even did them — which I deny
I’m not even here right now…
I think its called a job interview for Trump. Seeing how many "ist"s you can fit into one sentence to describe Obama.
Either that or a drinking game for the radical right.
“They were offensive and they do not reflect Mr. Trump’s position and we take them very seriously,”
On the contrary, I’d say that they mirror Mr. Trump’s positions quite accurately. Hard to see why they would fire a guy for that.
The Donald, unlike all the other candidates with racist web assistants, is busy being a statesman right now…
Losing for Fun & Profit!
Vote Trump/Trump 2016!
I’m truly conflicted now.
I was under the impression that Nunberg’s whack postings were in fact parallel to Trump’s beliefs.
Why else does he get the call-back after having been previously booted?
Supposedly worth $2.9B (per Bloomberg)–
Trump is a cheapskate (except when spending other’s money).
I could possibly see where they needed to fill a role-- and this igmo needed the cash/job.
A ‘Lose-Lose’ for both-- but that’s Trump’s M.O.
Nunberg meet iceberg…
Nunberg told CNN that he wasn’t great with social media and asserted “anything that was posted under my name does not mean I posted it.”
Setting up the Scapetern excuse. And he was totally unaware of the writing for years until it was found by Business Insider.
Socialist Marxist Islamo Fascist Nazi Appeaser
The top six Right Wing insult words all together in a single sentence. At least Mr. Nunberg has followed Skunk and White’s “Elements of Style” - no extra words.