Yeah. I read that early this morning and I’ve been out of sorts all day. There’s never one friggin’ hour of any day when we get a breather from the toxicity.
I know that wasn’t nice, and I shouldn’t have laughed, but I couldn’t help it.
Surely there’s no reason she and Joe can’t also represent the orange menace?
NYT: Cohen’s Taxi Business Partner Is Cooperating With Prosecutors
Delusional or gaslighting?
My assessment was self-gaslighted to the point of delusion.
They might have realized they’re better off representing someone who slides. “Well, our client didn’t go to prison.”
I sure hope the DSM-VI has a section that addresses delusional behavior and inability to recognize objective reality.
Then all that concern about mental health and keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill might come to accomplish something worthwhile.
That would be Breitbart and Acorn like, right?
Shit, I thought Oliver Hardy was still dead. Sad.
Oh, shit, that’s too funny. I had to laugh!
Well…that was almost too obvious! I was trying to think of some really bad swear word
Clovis looks in dire need of a tailor, a barber and a bath.