One of my guilty pleasures, that I can’t believe I’m about to admit I watch, is pro wrestling. Although it’s difficult to follow that statement up with something intelligent
, this is exactly how the bad guys on those shows behave. They are referred to as heels. They hit someone with a chair, or blatantly cheat, and when they are called out on it they give a “Who me?” or blame everyone else for their behavior. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Trump was once featured in the WWE, and is pulling the same shenanigans now. This reaction can, literally, be written for a heel in one of the WWE’s many shows. Almost verbatim.
man who just lost all his street cred. ![:wink: :wink:](
Yet that’s something I’ve seen repeatedly from conservatives, who insist that only liberals are rude and angry, because it’s only liberals who insult them and not the people they agree with; so they don’t even notice how rude their own side can be. And all the same, Trump has a responsibility to tell his supporters to not resort to violence, instead of ramping things up like he is.
Trump is very good at tapping into the prevailing sentiment amongst conservatives. I saw that this was the attitude among conservatives on Facebook over the weekend - they were angry with liberals for supposedly causing the violence by protesting at Trump’s events. Trump just parrots what they say and they eat it up.
“We are told a 78-year-old man took great exception to this.”
The video of this guy who sucker punched the demonstrator (er, “took great exception”) was broadcast on television and all over the net every day since it happened. But I guess the Trump campaign never saw it, since they were “told” about it. Yet another drop of falsehood in a sea of mendacity.
Trump is nothing but swine! He is the biggest pig that I have ever seen. I’ve seen a lot of boastful pigs in my life, but I must admit, this Tump pig is just a pig who loves to “trample” on his low educated voters, but they are just to damn dumb to figure it out…so they become pigs too!
Right. Someone from the podium saying “someone needs to knock them on their asses” and “Don’t worry I’ll pay your legal fees” or “in the old days before ‘political correctness’ they would leave on a stretcher. We need to end political correctness”.
Nope, not inciting violence at all.
(rolls eyes)
I’ll see your pro wrestling and raise you a “Mob Wives.” Loved it when a heavily made up Big Ang (wearing every sequin on Staten Island) tells one of the others, “They don’t like us because we have too much fucking class.”
Applying Trump rules, protesters have no obligation to be politically correct either.
Indeed, they may be “in violation,” sufficient to be excluded from the rally. And, indeed, that is sometimes the sole basis for their outward escort. In other cases, we have seen that merely being black were grounds for same. Let’s assume that was true.
Nothing about being “in violation” justifies punching them with an elbow on the back of their head. The latter is also a violation, and, in fact, assault. Someone got arrested, and it wasn’t the fellow who offended Trump.
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There seems to be one theme running through all these events, Mr. Trump.
All these fucking Trump acolytes who want to make America great again.
What’s sickening is to watch as interviewer after interviewer fails to confront him with a concise but thorough accounting of all of these various violence-inciting statements of his.
It’s journalistic malpractice of the highest order.
These cops have to be really proud of that night’s work.
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Meanwhile, the results of regional elections in Germany on Sunday should be pleasing to Herr Drumpf:
The day’s big winner was without question the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). The party ran a xenophobic campaign that played on public fears about refugees. It took nearly a quarter of the votes in Saxony-Anhalt, where it finished second. The party, which appeared on the ballot for the first time, won more than 10 percent of the vote in the other two states as well, signaling broad regional opposition to Merkel’s stance on refugees.
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Yes. People who opposed Trump didn’t have the right to do that.
They were ‘interfering with Trump’s and his fans right to free speech.’
They were ‘restricting Trump’s freedom of speech.’
Where do they come up with these rubes?
Trump has the right to voice his opinion and people can support it.
People are also free to oppose his opinion.
It’s not complicated.
I would have absolutely loved to see trump frog marched into a police station. And then perp walked into court.
If I’m a state police commander or a chief of a local police department that has to keep the peace at one of Trump’s rallies, I order Trump to stop the inflammatory and rabble rousing rhetoric in his speeches and that he stop directing the audience to throw 'em out or beat 'em up. If Trump refuse, I would arrest him for inciting a riot.
Hate speech and inciting riots is NOT free speech…it is dangerous, it threatens the public safety, and it is un-American.
Trump is inciting violence…just play the tapes.
Bless you Sooner!!!
I’ve looked for that piece of tape and haven’t found it. It brings back the craziness of my college years. Sitting in an over seas airport and seeing the events in Chicago on TV in 1968 was exceedingly disturbing back then for me. This year’s GOP convention could descend into that sort of behavior but for completely different reasons. Trump has set blame for the violence at his rallies on Bernie Sanders. If anyone lays a hand on Bernie I would hope the response dumps on Donald J. Trump. He has shown the way to his minions and made plain his feelings about Sanders. If they react like the sucker puncher only with lethal weapons then the onus should rightly be on Trump.
Well, he got away with it … this time. Seriously, asshole–that’s you, Donald–clean up your act or be prepared to defend yourself in various municipalities.
Oh, and BTW, either your Spanx isn’t working or you’ve been playing “who can eat the most hot dogs” with Christie. Ya know, just sayin’, it is what it is.
In ‘violation’ of what???
and I’m still waiting to see those taxes!
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