Once again proving everything is the opposite …
Republicans countered Wednesday that the Democrats complaint “runs roughshod over the First Amendment.”
That’s how the GOP lost that Tenn case…
I expect a judge will see right through this load of bullshit.
There are thousands more Repubs trying to steal the election than Dems. And they are stealing it for a felonious sexual assaulter.
The “rubber… glue” defense is a hallmark of American jurisprudence.
…Plaintiff’s unsubstantiated, extraordinarily inflammatory claims on the eve of the Presidential Election," the Nevada Republicans’ filing said.
There they go with the projection again. Because we all know that the party engaged in “unsubstantiated, extraordinarily inflammatory claims on the eve of the Presidential Election” is actually Trump’s own campaign with the heated “the election is rigged” rhetoric.
I have confidence in the judicial system.
" “miscellaneous long-ago statements, vague innuendo, rank speculation, and a heavy dose of rhetoric,” "
LOL…using a “heavy dose of rhetoric” to accuse something of being a heavy dose of rhetoric. Cute.