Discussion: Trump Camp Manages To Give A Couple Quick Responses To DNC Speeches

Orwellian word salad, Goebbels on the side.

Our campaign offers a bold, exciting, detailed vision for the future.



John Oliver pointed it out as well as one can do it. Republicans think that feeling a certain way is more important than facts. If you think Hillary is a criminal, she’s a criminal. If you think this country is on the wrong track, it is. If you think racism and xenophobia are virtues, they are. Miller’s responses were just a prettied up version of the schoolyard bullying tactics that have been adopted by the GOP for ages.

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Nice writeup of the Republican Party’s newest foreign policy wonk here.

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irasdad should get at least
a hat tip, here from the paper for the headline

I came across this interesting nugget.

In April 2015, 15 years later and two months before he entered the presidential race, Trump changed his tune, telling those gathered at the NRA’s forum, “I love the NRA. I love the Second Amendment.”At
that event, he forcefully declared his political support for the
organization. “I promise you one thing, if I run for president and if I
win, the Second Amendment will be totally protected, that I can tell
you,” he said.

The 2nd Amendment is already protected. The NRA’s cherry picking of words, elimination of context and disgusting agenda are not.

“Our campaign offers a bold, exciting, detailed vision for the future. Tonight, the Democrats’ offered only more rewards for the rich, powerful and well-connected, and more angry, demeaning, sniping attacks against all decent Americans who want change for their families.”

Said the Repiblican stratigist, Bizzaro…


I find that that hard to believe. Only one?

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The number of lies, half truths and conspiracies is that short statement is really impressive. It takes real talent to disseminate such BS so efficiently.

The trump camp sound like they live in some alternate universe. There RNC convention was weak as hell…

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“Quick responses”? These responses were pre-drafted. Just like the GOP “rinse and repeat” rhetoric, they didn’t listen to or hear one damn thing said by the rest/majority of America.

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Their entire message could be summed up as: things are perfect, let’s not change a single thing. So they resorted to the politics of fear, trying to convince Americans not to vote for change

This statement alone, perfectly illustrates the Trump campaign. The Dems resorted to “politics of fear”?!?!

I notice that the Trump articles have all moved “above the fold,” which leads to a question, does TPM stand for Trump Propaganda Media.

" Tonight, the Democrats’ offered only more rewards for the rich, powerful and well-connected, and more angry, demeaning, sniping attacks against all decent Americans who want change for their families"

I don’t think we were watching the same thing. I wonder what channel they were on. If I’m a decent American and I don’t feel attacked, what does that mean?

Trump’s rapid response team in action…

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Lame, lame and more lame!

While adoringly watching President Obama’s speech, I was checking to see what the treasonous buffoon would be “tweeting”.

One about nato? That’s just lame!

His thin skin got a good scraping by the POTUS!

Miller: Instead of dealing with reality, they spoke in cheap, petty terms beneath the dignity of a convention.

Yes, the contrast with the RNC could not be more pronounced. If the Trump convention was anything it was dignified.

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dissemble her ‘private’ server

JFC these people are stupid.


They were watching Shark-Tank. Couldn’t find the remote. This campaign team is a disaster.

MIller must have been watching a different convention. Either that or he has serious attention deficit issues.