Discussion: Trump Camp Condemns Anti-McMullin Robocalls From White Nationalist

Hmmm … outside of his claiming he is against marriage equality (I personally believe he couldn’t really give a flying fuck), Donald hasn’t really attacked us in the LGBTQ community like he has women and other minorities. Something’s odd here. Roger Stone is gay or bi, right? I know Donald was good friends with the late nasty Roy Cohn (who was gay). I can’t put my finger on it … and I likely don’t want to do that.


“Evan has two mommies. His mother is a lesbian, married to another woman. Evan is okay with that…Vote for Donald Trump. He will respect all women and be a president we can all be proud of.”

All women except McMullins’ mom and her wife, I guess. This country deserves a better class of unbalanced neo-nazi misogynist freaks.


Ivanka still wants to be able to show her face in Manhattan.

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Looks like that’s going to be a hard-ass mountain for Ivanka to climb.

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“Evan McMullin is an open borders, amnesty supporter. Evan has two mommies. His mother is a lesbian, married to another woman. Evan is okay with that.”

Yeah, what’s wrong with that guy? Doesn’t he understand how Christian it is to hate your parents? It’s right in the Ten Commandments!


Too late.

Faux christian is all they are drumpf and his fans!!!


Yeah, I think I have had it. Just read this article. I’m a Canadian and shocked to see such a large percentage of the population voting republican. This article is just one example of the people supporting the republican Donald Trump.
Yesterday Trump said Hillary Clinton wants to bring 600+ million immigrants into the country. Now just think about that…no wonder 70+ percentage of the things he says are LIES.
Isn’t Trump the guy facing a criminal hearing into the rape of a 13 year old girl in December? Isn’t he the guy facing a fraud court case over the fraudulent Trump University in late November? Isn’t he the guy accused of sexual assault on 12 women?
Isn’t Trump the same guy who has gone bankrupt four times and stiffed thousands of workers while walking away with 80 million dollars himself? And isn’t he the guy refusing to pay people working for his own campaign right now?
Isn’t Trump the guy who wants to deport 11 million undocumented and ban all muslims from the country?
Isn’t Trump from the party that wants to use voter suppression to block as many black and hispanic voters from voting in the election?
So as a Canadian…let me just say…as your president has said…THIS IS THE GUY you want for president?

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Yes, the Trump camp condemned the robocalls because they didn’t use the words “faot" and "nier-lover” nearly as much as they should.

Unfortunately, there are millions of hate-filled Americans, millions of incurious, uneducated Americans, millions of Americans who really never recovered from the financial meltdown and have a lot of misplaced anger, millions who are just plain, all-around fucking idiots. They come in all shapes, sizes, races, ages, sexual orientations and both sexes. Also, unfortunately, we have allowed our news media and media ownership regulations to go to hell – there’s as lot of money to be made by dumbing down people and constantly scaring the shit out of them (special call out to FOX “News,” BrickShit, Drudge, WND, etc., and a whole host of screaming clowns like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Laura Ingraham, etc.).

Most of the rest of us are trying, dude – we’re doing our best to see to it Trump never ever sees the inside of the Oval Office and trying to put the Senate in saner hands. Our particular system allows for a lot of checks and balances but it also allows for a lot of gerrymandering of congressional districts – and the Republicans have become masters of rigging the system. Again, we’re doing our best to overcome a lot of that by court fights (and we’re having a lot of success this year) and just overwhelm them with sheer numbers.

Does Johnson think that unsolicited grabbing of women by their pussies shows respect?

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No, Trump hasn’t openly attacked gay people. He’s just attended every RW evangelical anti-gay rally and supported every anti-gay position since running for president. But, heavens, let’s not call him an anti-gay bigot because, after all, he never specifically screams his hatred from the top of Trump Tower. That would just be irresponsible on our part.

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I’m not suggesting he isn’t an anti-gay bigot. I was just making the observation of what little he has actually said about us. His policies would be just as horrendous as anything Ted Cruz could come up with – specifically due to those people with whom he surrounds himself.

Personally, I think he couldn’t give a flying fuck about us one way or the other, but he is totally fine with surrounding himself with bigots and appointing people to places of high power who state their hate-filled beliefs.

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I still blame the media more than anything. Could you imagine the great political journalists of the past letting Trump get away with the shit he’s gotten away with during this campaign? He would have been ground into powder, and deservedly so. If the NYT and the other media outlets had treated Trump the same way they have treated the Clintons for the last 25 years - HILLARY LEFT TOENAIL CLIPPINGS ON BATHROOM FLOOR WHILE FLYING ON AIR FORCE ONE!!! - Trump would be reduced to selling Ginsu knives on the Christian networks at 3 in the morning.


First I don’t think a good Christian run network would let him sell knives on their network unless it was renamed something like Galilee fishermen knives. The same kind Simon, Peter and Andrew used. And Trump would insist that the hilts be gold and jewel incrusted, which mean not dishwasher safe.

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He will respect all women and be a president we can all be proud of. *

  • Not to be taken literally.
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I hate all this “literally” crap. If a candidate has no record, or his opponents don’t use examples of bad faith behavior in the primaries, then what in Sam hell is a voter suppose to judge someone like HOTOG on?

I think DJT is dying for the Russian orgy film to be made public. Show off his deep admiration for skinny women and his oooo face.

The Donald Trump campaign on Monday denounced a robocall recorded by William Johnson, a white nationalist Trump supporter,…
