Discussion: Trump Calls President Obama The 'Founder Of ISIS'

Trump supporters really are doofuses…

The Founder of ISIS…


You are the true founder of ISIS, Tovarishch Drumpf…Insane Sociopathic Ignorant Slobs. You should be involuntarily confined to a psychiatric institution before someone gets hurt, or worse.


It certainly is wrong and bad, I agree, to be the founder and leader and honoree of a pack of violent, ignorant, backward-looking, bigoted louts whose despairing inability to understand or make their way in the real, modern world makes them long to reestablish an imagined golden age through violence and the destruction of useful real-world institutions and norms. A person who brought such a movement about would have a lot to be ashamed of, assuming he were capable of it.


I see what you did here :wink:


Funny thing is, a cogent critique of the Obama Administration’s policy in the Middle East could be made by an actual presidential candidate. They made plenty of mistakes. It’s times like this I guess I’m happy the Republican candidate is a buffoon. Sort of.


Obama spends half his time targeting,and killing members of his own group that he founded with drone strikes. How weird is that.




The Republicans tried to sink Obama. Instead, the party imploded

If your political priorities are the total defeat of a single politician – not the advancement of your own policies – it fans the flames of extremism



I saw that article this morning too – excellent.


It is astonishing to see how many are willing (delighted) to drink the toxic, easily disproved, paranoid, hallucinatory Koolaid served up by an orange man with a dead squirrel on his head. It is like mass hysteria.


The bigger problem here is that Trump is now associating President Obama and Secretary Clinton with enemies of the US (and much of the civilized world). And what do we do with our enemies? Why we kill them, that’s what. It is the only thing to do. Couple this with his constant violent rhetoric and it does not take much to set off one his loonies. It also delegitimizes Hillary Clinton should she win. Who, after all, should cooperate with an enemy of the US? Trump is incapable of seeing the consequences of his speech/action, but the rest of us should be worried.


He tries so, so hard to push ideas that are so, so stupid.


Trump is right about dubya creating ISIS out of his ignorance and stupidity, imprisoning so many good Iraq soldiers when he attacked Iraq. That is also what created al-Qaeda in Iraq: dubya’s crimes. And now Obama funds and arms ISIS using Turkey as his proxy, and his laughingly labeled “moderate rebels” in Syria, all of whom are ISIS allies in reality. Obama allows Turkey to buy the oil ISIS is stealing from Syria to fund ISIS by selling it to Erdogan. And Obama allowed ISIS to take at least 1000s humvees when ISIS conquered Mosul, Iraq, and the Iraqi army was defeated there and fled. Along with those mere 1000 Humvees, you can be certain American military allowed ISIS to take tons of ammo and 100s of other American weapons of mass destruction. And, that was not the only place and time that America has abandoned military equipment and allowed ISIS to have it. In essence, Obama has allied with ISIS in Syria, the most flagrant of Obama’s assistance to ISIS. Trump has this more right than wrong: American idiotic military has created al-Qaeda and ISIS due to dubya’s and Obama’s worldwide terrorism and invasions. I’d be defending my life and territory too if he’d invaded my country.

I hope the Donald is enjoying his time as a celebrity wrestling heel. The chair Hillary has however is quite real and will leave a mark :fist:

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This is really a bullshit writer and article in that Russia did not invade Crimea. The Crimean people voted to ally with Russia, their closest ally, so that Obama / Poroshenko wouldn’t destroy their lives like Obama has done to most of Ukraine with his overthrow of the democratically elected government. Crimea is part of Russian culture, not Ukrainian and the Crimean people chose to stay in the Russian orbit. Obama invaded Ukraine. Putin didn’t invade Crimea. Anyone who believes that is uninformed, and has chosen to remain ignorant of the situation.

So says Donnie Drumpf, the greatest recruiting tool that ISIS could ever hope for.


enough about Trump, what do you think of ISIS ?


To keep things in perspective, I offer presidential job approval polling from RealClearPolitics.

Proceed Mr. Trump.


I see once again Republicans are in the business of rewriting history. Seems to be what they do best. It also seems to me that GWB’s invasion of Iraq created the founding of ISIS. GWB? Who’s that, Republicans all say in unison. Iraq War?? What’s that? That’s one yuuuuge oopsey-daisy they’re now choosing to ignore.